I’ve loved the Warcraft 2 remaster so far, but I’m disappointed that the custom scenarios from Beyond the Dark Portal and battle.net edition did not make it in.
I know there were maps that were named “chess” and “football” and stuff that were fun as well as a number of fortress attacking scenarios. I hope to see those return!
Chess and Football are user created maps, you might be able to find them and add the maps to your game but good luck finding other players that have done the same. The BNE scenarios are already in the game, at the top of the custom game setup screen there is a dropdown menu that says built in scenario, click that and change it to custom scenario to access those maps. This is also where you will find any maps you have added to the proper folder.
EDIT : It looks as though they have added those maps in the game folder already you just have to copy them from Data/Maps/Classic/Expansion to the main folder. There are even the old ladder maps included as well. Probably an oversight or something wrong with the engine not seeing nested folders properly.
EDIT 2 : Yep, copy all the maps you want from the data folder and all nested folders into Warcraft II Remastered/x86/Maps from Data/Maps/Classic/(*) and the nested folders within then they will show up properly in the custom scenario list. Really lame that we have to do this to fix the game ourselves but the maps are there just have to do a little bit of work to enjoy them.
Edit 3 : just remove the spaces if you want a picture for proof, forums won’t let me post one
https:// pbs .twimg .com/media/GcoQCu2X0AA0Otg?format=jpg&name=large