Couldnt update WoW now cant even reinstall

hi there. so to start with the update for wow came out yesterday so I attempted the update and got stuck on initialising just would not download. eventually after hours of trying I deleted wow and all wow related things. then tried the reinstall. this failed just stayed at calculating (in regard to download speed I suppose) in the end I ended up deleting the app as well to try to reinstall that and hope that would be the fix. now the installer is in the process of updating but is constantly going to around 93% and the resetting to 65%
I am now at my wits end and I’m extremely upset since I have just spent over £100 this last month on this game to get back into it again and now this.

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Players in this forum can assist with issues using the Bnet app on PC (like how to find the Wishlist, or setup message alerts), but installing an application is a process handled by you and Windows. Sometimes a faulty connection can cause corrupted data during download, but as far as permissions on the directory you’re installing — that part is up to you.

Try this, fixed my BNET problems:

The only thing I have gotten to work is to use Command Prompt to stop winmgmt and reset repository then restart winmgmt.

Run Command Prompt as Administrator (Press start, type CMD, right click on the result and choose Run as Administrator) then:

type: net stop winmgmt [ENTER]

type: winmgmt /resetrepository [ENTER]

type: net start winmgmt [ENTER]

Exit Command Prompt

Do you have a security app that has been controlling the repository?