Couldn't load texture skins/Modern_Graphics.png


I’ve bought warcraft 1 remastered, but I’m unable to play it… When I run the game a fatal error occurs with message: “Couldn’t load texture skins/Modern_Graphics.png (… PNG chunk not known)”. I paid for this game and can’t even run it…

After I reinstalled the game error still exists but filename in the error changed and now it is Maps.png instead of Modern_Graphics.png :wink:


What to check:

1.QUESTION: Are you playing on MAC?
IF YES: Ouch… As far as I know the PNG and graphics files seems to be a bit “different” on this system so they might be different in game folder aswell. I can’t help you there but maybe someone will find it out.

  1. Check the game folder. It gives you exact location of the files that cause troubles. Just get there and check if the file Modern_Graphics.png is there. If it’s not there then you should give us some more details which most important is: what is your operating system. It may have different path OR not work the way thats intended to - depends on the system.

I have the same issue on Windows 10.
I could find Modern_Graphics.png in D:\Warcraft I Remastered\x86\data\skins.
Scan and repair doesn’t fix the issue.

Have the same Error:

Couldn’t load texture skins/Modern_Graphics.png (W ÖV PNG chunk not known)

On win 11

Is there still no fix for this?

I have the same problem. Crashes on VII Sunnyglade… couldn’t load “ etc

Edit: reopened battle net and works for now…

Hi All,
there is a solution for the errror " couldn’t load texture"?
I have almost the same problem with WC 2
Any suggestion, pls?