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I keep getting this error when launching app

We’ve detected a new version of than the one you’re attempting to launch. You may need to fix your shortcuts.



There are a few things that can trigger that error:

  • if your Battle.Net is not up-to-date, or
  • if the shortcut that you are using is pointing at an outdated version of Battle.Net

Try manually downloading and installing the latest version of Battle.Net here:

Hopefully, that will solve it.

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The client said its up to date in the little top left corner thing.

I was able to fix this error for the moment downloading the new client from the website and installing it overtop of the installed one.

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Good work !!

Game on :slight_smile: !!

Same problem here, doesn’t automatically update or at least it always has?

I’m experiencing same pop ups:

“We’ve detected a new version of than the one you’re attempting to launch. You may need to fix your shortcuts”.

Had to reinstall app two times for the last two days. It’s all fine for a bit but next day that pop up comes back. Also noticed when this happends my internet bandwitch usage is way higher.

I’ve been getting the same error for the last week. I’ve used the link above 3 times now after deleting the first 2 but they all just stop at 99%.

Found the answer! When it asks/tells you that you it’ s detected a new version, your only choice is to let it launch the new version. After it launches, find your PLAY button. To the right of the play button is settings button. In settings there’s a choice to create a new desktop icon. Do that. Now you have the newer version it keeps telling you about.
Stay Safe!

This didn’t work for me, if you mean the Play button for the games themselves.

I’ve hit it and relaunched multiple times now, and it’s still bringing the error up. Only managed to fix it by downloading the Bnet app from the link at the top of these forums, and installing it overtop what’s already installed.