Constantly getting kicked offline from Blizzard servers

Hey netizim,

If you’re disconnecting periodically it may mean there’s some kind of network instability between your house and our servers. Let’s try a quick power cycle of your router/modem/pc in case your router just has a bad DNS entry for our servers or a corrupted cache or something.

If you’re still having this problem, please create a WinMTR test which catches a disconnection. You want to restart the test every 10-15 minutes until you catch one of these problems. Once you’ve caught one red handed, run the test for about 5 more minutes. This will let us look for problems between your house and our servers which may cause this.

If you have problems with posting it due to a link error, go ahead and copy paste this into your next post, and replace “WinMTR goes here” with your test.

WinMTR goes here