Constantly getting kicked offline from Blizzard servers

No problem! I could have been more descriptive with my steps, after all.

I’m replying back in case you need more help with Diablo III - the forum won’t let you reply back to yourself with the amount of trust your forum account has right now. Feel free to just leave this thread open for now and reply back with the Diablo III test once you get around to it.

Alright I hope this helps.

|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |

|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


|                   -    1 |  645 |  644 |    1 |    8 |  301 |    2 |

|                  -    1 |  642 |  640 |    1 |    8 |  301 |    3 |

|                    -    1 |  630 |  625 |   14 |   93 |  475 |  224 |

|                 -    1 |  630 |  625 |   17 |   92 |  397 |  115 |

|                      -    1 |  630 |  625 |   23 |  100 |  318 |  125 |

|                    -    1 |  631 |  626 |   23 |  104 |  375 |  235 |

|                   -    2 |  619 |  611 |   24 |  102 |  349 |  115 |

|                 -    1 |  634 |  630 |   44 |  125 |  388 |  215 |

|          -    1 |  634 |  630 |   44 |  133 |  437 |  185 |

|     -    2 |  619 |  611 |   75 |  160 |  446 |  185 |

| -    1 |  638 |  635 |   74 |  163 |  425 |  312 |

|                 -    1 |  578 |  575 |   94 |  771 | 1862 |  903 |

|                   No response from host -  100 |  132 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |

|                  -    1 |  627 |  621 |   74 |  160 |  449 |  312 |

| -    1 |  634 |  630 |   75 |  158 |  440 |  193 |

|                  -    1 |  630 |  625 |   74 |  158 |  440 |  219 |


   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

Hey, Netizim146! Thank you for including connection tests here!

This one here shows that there is a 1% loss on the home network and the worst latency is a bit higher than preferred. It persists throughout the test with the 1% loss, which could be causing the problems with the connection.

I am curious if we can gather a WinMTR test to the host address: instead for around 5-10 minutes. This is our authentication address so it should gather accurate information when the offline/online issue occurs. If you could also provide the results for the looking glass test as well, it’s greatly appreciated. We’re tracking and gathering a bit of this data and have some speculations to what might be causing it.

Alright here is the authentication

|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |

|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


|                   -    1 | 1365 | 1362 |    1 |   16 |  569 |    3 |

|                  -    1 | 1368 | 1366 |    1 |   18 |  451 |    8 |

|                    -    1 | 1357 | 1352 |   14 |  111 |  599 |  111 |

|                 -    1 | 1350 | 1343 |   14 |  110 |  513 |  111 |

|                      -    4 | 1220 | 1179 |   24 |  120 |  599 |   84 |

|                    -    5 | 1165 | 1110 |   23 |  134 | 1145 |   83 |

|                   -    5 | 1172 | 1119 |   24 |  123 |  521 |   58 |

|                 -    6 | 1151 | 1093 |   45 |  160 | 1103 |   79 |

|          -    6 | 1128 | 1064 |   50 |  164 | 1223 |   79 |

|     -    8 | 1053 |  970 |  105 |  226 | 1115 |  178 |

| -    7 | 1093 | 1020 |   82 |  200 | 1099 |  182 |

| -    6 | 1120 | 1054 |  104 |  219 | 1038 |  178 |

| -    7 | 1108 | 1039 |  104 |  219 | 1088 |  193 |

|                 -    6 | 1152 | 1094 |  104 |  215 | 1115 |  166 |

|                -    5 | 1181 | 1130 |  104 |  221 | 1074 |  178 |


   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

Thank you, Netizim146! This test looks pretty similar to the last one with a consistent 1% loss.

The difference is that the packet loss increases from here and ranges from around 4-8%

| - :warning: 4 | 1220 | 1179 | 24 | 120 | 599 | 84 |

With this happening at the ISP network and home network, this is something that the internet provider will want to assist with and look into. It does look like some configuration issues happening later on in the test, so hopefully they can run and check on some of the peering.

And here is the Looking Glass result for the same thing and thanks. Is there anything that I can do myself like changing my IP or something?

traceroute to (, 15 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  Blizzard Blizzard  0.333 ms  0.325 ms  0.322 ms
 2 (  0.645 ms  0.657 ms  0.692 ms
 3 (  0.870 ms  0.857 ms  0.880 ms
 4 (  0.419 ms  0.449 ms  0.449 ms
 5 (  522.355 ms  522.372 ms  522.373 ms
 6  * * *
 7 (  30.222 ms  30.253 ms  30.256 ms
 8 (  30.256 ms  30.436 ms  30.413 ms
 9 (  30.310 ms  30.333 ms  30.325 ms
10 (  30.135 ms  30.276 ms  30.262 ms
11 (  56.364 ms  56.368 ms  52.896 ms
12 (  29.716 ms  29.828 ms  29.760 ms
13 (  57.976 ms  58.070 ms  58.073 ms
14  Blizzard Blizzard  59.474 ms  57.995 ms  58.275 ms
15 (  57.966 ms  58.032 ms  58.082 ms

10/11/2020 02:43:40 UTC

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2998ms

10/11/2020 02:43:40 UTC

Start: Tue Nov 10 02:43:40 2020 Blizzard  1.|-- Blizzard                                                 0.0%    10    0.5   0.4   0.3   0.7   0.0
  2.|--                                                 0.0%    10    0.6   0.7   0.5   0.8   0.0
  3.|--                                                0.0%    10    0.9   1.0   0.9   1.3   0.0
  4.|--                                                 0.0%    10    0.6   2.3   0.6  16.0   4.8
  5.|--                                                 0.0%    10  190.6 515.8 111.7 1005. 362.5
  6.|-- ???                                                          100.0    10    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
  7.|--                                                  0.0%    10   30.4  47.1  30.0 138.7  37.2
  8.|--                                                  0.0%    10   30.5  30.8  30.1  32.1   0.5
  9.|--                                                0.0%    10   30.4  34.3  30.2  52.9   8.4
 10.|--                                                 0.0%    10   30.3  33.6  30.1  60.0   9.3
 11.|--                                                 0.0%    10   30.5  40.9  30.4  85.1  21.6
 12.|--          0.0%    10   29.9  30.1  29.9  30.8   0.0
 13.|--                                               0.0%    10   58.3  58.3  58.0  58.4   0.0
 14.|-- Blizzard                                                0.0%    10   58.1  58.3  58.1  58.5   0.0
 15.|--       0.0%    10   58.2  58.2  58.1  58.3   0.0
 16.|--  0.0%    10   58.3  58.5  58.1  59.6   0.5
 17.|-- Blizzard                                               0.0%    10   78.8  78.7  78.5  78.8   0.0
 18.|-- ???                                                          100.0    10    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

10/11/2020 02:43:40 UTC

The problem is starting on the connection between the computer and router/modem device. If this is a wireless connection I highly recommend trying hardwired ethernet directly to the device.

If the problem is still happening while wired, we also recommend a factory reset on the device. Ask the service provider before doing this in case they have any special setup instructions. Some providers will require a device to be authenticated.

Hope the info helps. Cheers!

same here, starting November 5, but with error 08f3 . cant play the game since november 5. if i change the region to “Asia” it works. i’m from brasil

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This post has more attention then the Main Thread, unbelievable.

Thanks, I currently am unable to run an ethernet cable to my pc but I will try to reset my router.

Guaranteed it wont solve your problems

Yeah you were right. Nothing changed and my internet is overall better than before I started having these connection issues.


So just to clarify, you reached out your ISP and they did something to help with the packet loss? Did you swap to a wired connection? If you re run the test, do you still see the packet loss we pointed out earlier?

Yes I contacted them they said they couldn’t do anything about it, I do have the packet loss the packet loss has always been the same even before I started having these connection issues. I haven’t been able to to get a wired connection currently as I need a ethernet cable which I do not have. The only thing I have done to my router is reset it and change the IP from dynamic to static then back to dynamic.

I have the exact same issue. Talked to ISP monday and they didn’t see anything on their end. I was just playing the cold war campaign for 15 mins unaffected, now its unplayable. I’m hardwired so thats ruled out for me.

ill try changing my region!

I’ve been playing on Asian Servers and I’m not getting disconnected but when I play US servers I do constantly.

I do not experience this issue on my roomate’s ps4. Absolutely no connection issues. I have gone to Activision’s support, and they have sent me back here since it is not their server’s that are affected, they determined it was Blizzard’s account verification since it is the launcher, Blizzard’s software, going offline.

I tried contacting my ISP, and after days of talking to different support representatives, a supervisor at an elevated position has determined it is Blizzard’s end, as they are having issues receiving from Blizzards servers. It seems there is random packet loss between them and Blizzard, since their test was showing the same results as my connect, somewhere between their computer and the connection.

TLDR, Blizzard’s account services are having bad connections to certain ISP’s for seeming no public reason, where no issues are showing up for actual game servers and services.

Wired connection or no, Blizzard’s account services are an issue. This is why Playstation and Xbox players are not having a game crashing issue due to disconnection. They don’t have their account’s from Sony or Microsoft randomly disconnecting. Your move Blizzard. You can continue to run people in circles and ignore the problem, or report that there’s a widespread issue with the launcher, cause this is affecting WoW, Overwatch, for many people across the world since spring.

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We have a totally separate thread for this now. Please post here instead.