CoD: Warzone slow download speed

What i did :

  1. Closed Battlenet
  2. Control + Alt + Del > Kill all Battlenet agent.exe
  3. Launch Battlenet again
  4. Before clicking on update > Change region to another one (i dit Europe to America)
  5. The Download will started
  6. If your download is not starting you must click on Pause (right side of the download bar) wait maybe 10 seconds and click again and your download will continue again.
  7. Don’t forget to change your region back when your game is downloaded.

Important : changing your region have no impact on the game because the game is multi Lang :wink:


Finished my update with Carminator’s suggestions. Thanks mate.


You’re welcome mate. Hope it will help some dudes like us… Thank you.


What do you mean by Supp?

Ho sorry > The “Delete” key ^^

Same here! I’m not behind vpn. I have gigabit internet speed, but agent downloads right now 400 kb/s …
How can we solve this? Whats happening nowdays at blizzard…

Fun fact: if you spam play and pause with 1 to 2 seconds distance it will download the patch faster :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy:


1 Gbit/s connection speed, paying a lot of money in Switzerland to have the speed, Blizzard decides to have paper servers… aahh an I payed a lot of money for the game…

Also finished my update with Carminator’s suggestions. Thanks mate!!

Hey y’all,

We are investigating the large update and slow downloads.

Edited: this topic used to request files, but we do not need most of the files requested previously. Please see the post at the end of this thread for more information

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Blizzard thats not funny… i am trying it since 5 p.m. here in germany… it is so frustrating. I tried everything i found and nothing works. At the moment i have a speed of 0B/s! Come on CoD MW is a full price game!

PS: No Antivirus… No Maleware!


what do you mean with battlenet agent.exe

still not working… 800 kb/s … any help?

only thing that works for me is spamming pause and resume buttons. get autoclicker and just leave it


Can somone fix this soon? I tried same everything and nothing works. Speed of download is 0B/s…

Please fix it soon i wanna play

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I have the same problem. Starts at 4-6 Mb/s and it drops to 250Kb/s then goes to 0B/s. Blizzard tf?


Hey Blizzard!

Fix this !!!


Yeeeeah, horrible

Got that initial 70 gigs downloaded under 2 hours, but it can’t deal with 13 gigs update… shame

On top of that it displays 2.5 mb/s download speed, but that’s bluff and the actual speed is around 200 kb/s. Looks like I’m returning to Apex


I live in Germany and my ISP is Telekom and i have a 120mbit connection and i only got 900kbs and i tried everything suggested in the main thread and the only thing that worked was windscribe set to canada for some reason, i tried other vpns but that did not fix the issue. however im still only getting 3mbps instead of the desired 11

im on a 350mbps connection… tested steam and it works fine… why? oh why? am i downloading the game at 3MBps???