Cod warzone authencation error

Hi everyone!

I installed mw2 beta. Then nothing but issues. Haven’t ever had a issue logging into warzone. But instantly get a authentication error. Also I firstly got a notice. Saying my GPU drivers weren’t up to date.
I Checked and got NVidia exp installed. No beta drivers or anything above what I have installed. But it still keeps saying there outdated ( Sorry forgot that part.)
I did verify with my email said success! But nope… Keeps wanting to text a number I dont have. Been a week since I opened a ticket. No response… The beta crashes instantly… Cant even make it passed the privacy agreement…
I cleared all my caches. I uninstalled MW2 successfully. But no change. I cant change any of my account settings. Without the stupid text… Doesn’t matter that I can prove my credentials by any other means…
Any help would be appreciated! I’m about to get rocked by a storm. So be nice to have a little stress free time. Before it hits the fan. Thanks to my gamer and COD family!

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