COD MW Download ISSUE (Disc Read ERROR 5.0)

Dear Blizzard Team, I am sure you know about the many complaints regarding the Disc Read Error in Call of Duty Modern Warfare, which according to some verified users on activision forum occurs when you pause the game during downloading/installing. Please note that Call of Duty Modern Warfare is 130 GB game and as so its not possible for a lot of users to download in One Go. We have to pause the download a few times for multiple reasons due to limited band width and fluctuations etc. Whenever the game is paused and resumed the files I presume gets corrupted and we get multiple Disc Read Errors. Scanning and repairing doesn’t work. Kindly we would be grateful if you provide us with some external links of a clean copy of the game files. e.g torrents or mega drive etc which doesn’t corrupt the data if we pause the download. Please contact if you need further information regarding this error.
Umar Wali