Classic Hardcore Roleplay Server

For just two letters tacked onto the front of an otherwise just-as-difficult-to-maintain server, you could have yourself an EVE-Online-like community that will forever be paying to turn that evergreen soil. Adventure, loss, everyone gasping when a full set of T2 armour is spotted in a city, griefing-and-counter-griefing community movements, the adventure and suspension of disbelief that the game has been capable of for 20 years but could never deliver. Most of the roleplayers are sick of the idle transmog fashion show scattered across like 20 servers. Couldn’t you edit just one of the dead servers? See if it makes a difference?

All you gotta do is put “RP” in front of just one of the available servers and all the roleplayers will have a place to go (and their counter-part griefers will have other alts to level and protect while they get powerful enough to do some proper damage, paying their subscription fee all the same).

The very concept started with the roleplayers, and yet they were abandoned upon implementation. Is this something that is being saved for a last hurrah, or something that is impossible?

Wow!! The support site has game servers? Cool!! Where can I find them… on the support website?