Classic API Endpoints (Realm list)


I’m sorry to have to write a message but couldn’t find any information regarding the possibility to retrieve the realm lists for WoW Classic.
I’m developing a tool that permits people to create a guild page and was trying to require a realm name (fetched from API) & a guild name (user inputed) to crosscheck that i never have non-unique entries.

Any help appreciated.

Thank you all.


There is no realm endpoint for classic at the moment.

Hello @Schiller :slight_smile:

Yes, i was wondering if that might change seeing as there are a lot of players on Classic and API Endpoints could prove useful to develop tools for Classic ?

Only a Blizzard developer can answer this, but since there is a migration in progress for world of warcraft APIs at the moment I would not expect new features before it is finished.

Maybe you can get the list of realms from here for now: Realm Status - Americas & Oceania - Wrath of the Lich King Classic