I am trying to make one of my classic characters my chosen on the forums so I can upload logs from WOTLK raids but I can not figure it out for the life of me.
I don’t know if this is what you are needing, but maybe it will get you into the right direction:
Miss Cheetah has a reply:
Sorry if this Out of Topic.
Just wanna ask, how to claim our character for Warcraftlogs.
When im click the claim button, theres always a notice like this :
" * Unable to locate any forum activity for this character. You must have a public World of Warcraft Classic forum profile to continue the import process. To create a forum profile, all you have to do is change your active forum character to the one you want to import. You do not have to post to the forums. "
For anyone whos a…
August 24, 2023, 4:51am
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