Changing Battle.Net to Old View?

Is there a way to change the app back to way it used to look. Personally I think this new layout looks like total trash…


I agree, now when I make the window smaller my friends list disappears. I dont care about the news or the big “playing now” section…I know what I’m playing…and if I want to check out the news, I will. It doesn’t need to be the entire damn width of the desktop app. I want to see my friends list and who is online without the app being full screen facepalm


I have yet to see any post praising it. This change was hated in beta, why did it make it in?


I don’t want it either. Prefer it to go away or at least be an option.


Leave it to Blizzard to take a piece of software that works great and screw it up completely.


I have been saying it since they decided to implement it – it makes zero sense to force ads nobody is intending to going and view, down our throats. If nobody signed up for your newsletters, they’re 9/10 not gonna care about what stuff is on the launcher, include it into the “signing in” screens of every game, and it will be much more welcoming and user friendly.

This thing just eats resources versus the old one and it serves a single purpose, to launch a game – not forcefeed me with nonsensical bs about something I definitely would rather not pay for.

You had it perfect with the old launcher granted I know it likely does not generate additional revenue due to visibility, but you’re making people feel faithless in the product if ads need to be forced as bad as they are.


i am totally lost in it which is annoying as i liked to come read forums just to see whats going on :slight_smile: now i cant even find the usual places i liked to read, this set up is horrible, i dont understand the mentality of fixing things that are not broken