Change default currency for Georgia to USD

So, current currency used is RUB, which doesn’t make a lot of sense. Just because Russia is a neighbor, it can’t be justified. You might as well use Turkish Lira and it will be fine I guess? If GEL is not an option, just use international currency like USD, which happens to be the most used foreign currency in this country and everyone knows exchange rates. Every other store (Steam, Epic, Origin) uses USD, like, it shouldn’t be that difficult.

Here you can see foreign currency deposits data, by National Bank of Georgia:
which hopefully shows to you how widely used USD is compared to RUB


changing currency to USD will affect prices as well.

Hi, Blizzard.
I was about to make my own post but found similar issues here.
By default, Mongolian region is set to use KZT ( which is Kazakhstan currency, i hope).
We want to use USD instead, which is most popular foreign currency. Make default currency to USD, for regions you don’t set its own currency.
People here find fake documents to change their region to USA. But why should we do that, i know its easier to process. That is temporary fix.
Georgia has issue, I have seen post similar regarding Ukraine.

We would love to support our beloved games by our hard earned money.

Best regards,

online ticket : ht tps://
GM’s cant fix, i hope we can fix it in general.
useful links: ht tps://