Cataclysm Classic - Mankirk US - Auction House API No Data

The auction house API for Cataclysm Classic US - Mankirk has not been passing data for a couple months now. Trade Skill Master (TSM) has posted about this on X and tagged the WoW devs. TSMaddon is the X username.

A GM directed me here and I don’t see anything about the AH API.

Is there any plan to fix or restore its functionality? It breaks a lot of the core functionality of TSM without that public data available. It is also a big quality of life downgrade to have to go back to “scanning” the auction house with a more primitive add-on.

Any feedback from Blizz or a player that knows what the story with it is would be appreciated.

Yeah it used to work fine for Cata/Era, and now is completely broken. Please fix!