Cataclysm Classic 10 man loot

10 mans in Cataclysm need a loot buff. Surely I’m not the only person that feels this way lol. Why in god’s name, whether it was changed in 2010 or changed specifically for classic, would 25 man bosses go from dropping 4-5 pieces in wrath to like 8 pieces now? Whilst 10 man remains at only 2 pieces maybe 3 on token bosses (Yes that’s a maybe, I’ve had token bosses not drop a token). Just one more piece would even be enough, and for the legendary weapons. For those of us doing 10 man, it literally takes 3-4 months to complete the legendary weapons, absolutely ridiculous lol. I play a rogue and am excited to use my lego daggers for about two weeks before the xpac is over when I finally get them lol (sarcasm). Before some genius says “just do 25 man lol”, I’m an officer in a guild I’ve been playing with for years, its currently impossible for us to swap to 25 because we dont have the numbers and recruitment is extremely slim pickins currently. Anyway, yea, buff 10 man loot for the love of god.


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