Cassidy victory pose in battle pass on tier 43 (Stick-up)

This is really just me being nitpicky but i noticed that on this victory pose Cassidys finger is in the gun and not on the revolvers trigger.


This forum is for technical support on Blizzard’s Legacy Games — old games such as:

  • Diablo II (2000) and its expansion Lord of Destruction;
  • The games in the Blizzard Arcade Collection such as The Lost Vikings and Rock N Roll Racing;
  • Battle.Net editions of Diablo I, Warcraft: Orcs and Humans & Warcraft: II.

Your post is not an issue of a technical nature, so you’re on the wrong forum. Also, your post does not seem to relate to any of the games mentioned above. Please use the forums for your game… whatever it is (Overwatch , perhaps ?? ).

Best of luck in your games !

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