Can't update/install due to BLZBNTAGT00000840

I am on a legitimately brand new laptop, Windows 11. I just got it today. Battlenet is the first thing I installed on it, started installing WoW, ran into BLZBNTAGT00000840, and haven’t been able to get any further. I spent $1k on a new computer, and I still can’t even play my game. I am beyond frustrated right now.


I’m having the same error, but it’s when trying to install

1 Like

Did you click the error and follow the troubleshooting process? Regardless of how new a PC is, if the permissions are not setup properly, then apps won’t be able to install.

I had to open the actual Retail folder, delete the WTF folder, click on Wow Application, and it manually made me select English as the language, then popped up a warning that by choosing it, I was agreeing to play the game within that geographical area. Weirdest thing ever. But it’s finally updating successfully now.

1 Like

Please take a look at the thread blzbntagt00000854-error-started-mid-day-jan-15th-on-d4 , the problems are very similar and it seems to be a broken certificate problem on blizzard’s side.

1 Like

im having the same problem with my windows 11 pc that i just built :frowning:

I’m having the same problem with my new laptop. Followed every instruction the GM’s gave me and it still doesn’t work. Sure seems like it’s an error / issue on Blizzard’s end. I’m hopeful this is resolved sooner than later.

Tried ALL the suggestions and im still getting BLZBNTAGT00000840 error (yes im on linux but that is not the reason it wont work…)
fresh install of both battlenet and wow

hmm it seems (so far) that its a proton issue


I checked the logs, it seems like it’s a region or certificate issue caused by blizzard, see:
I had to alter the links because the forum wouldn’t let me post the logs.

[I 2025-01-16 10:45:20.0688] Agent started as Administrator
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:20.0689] Argument[0]: '--locale=enUS'
Argument[1]: '--session=16836542249323574344'
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:21.0109] Initialize HttpProtocol Server Called
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:21.0215] Agent started on port #1120
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:21.0215] Attempting to read local game data and states from 'C:/ProgramData/'
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:21.0226] Handle Event: "update agent event"
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:21.0226] Handle Event: "version refresh event"
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:21.0226] Checking Network Connection status to
[W 2025-01-16 10:45:21.0462] Authorizing client 'StarCraft II.exe' (2260) for communication
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:21.0463] Request GET /agent 
Response 200 (247.5020 ms): {
  "authorization": "562555350535779695",
  "opt_in_feedback": true,
  "pid": 2412,
  "region": "us",
  "session": "16836542249323574344",
  "state": 1007,
  "type": "retail",
  "user_id": "S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000",
  "user_name": "S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000",
  "version": ""
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:21.0464] Request POST /agent {
  "opt_in_feedback": true
Response 200 (0.0220 ms): {}
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:21.0465] Request GET /game 
Response 200 (0.0280 ms): {}
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:21.0978] Network Connection Response to - CURL error: 0, Status Code: 404
[W 2025-01-16 10:45:25.0383] Build config out of date, setting playable to false - agent
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:25.0388] Executing operation: create_folder folderPath="C:/ProgramData/"
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:25.0475] Request GET /agent 
Response 200 (0.1560 ms): {
  "authorization": "562555350535779695",
  "opt_in_feedback": true,
  "pid": 2412,
  "region": "us",
  "session": "16836542249323574344",
  "state": 1003,
  "type": "retail",
  "user_id": "S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000",
  "user_name": "S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000",
  "version": ""
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:26.0677] Executing operation: delete_file filepath="C:/ProgramData/"
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:26.0680] Executing operation: emergency_fix_com_flags ClsId=257A53D9-0BBB-476B-9500-A888092E0260 AppIdFlags = 0
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:26.0680] No registry key at 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\{257A53D9-0BBB-476B-9500-A888092E0260}'
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:26.0680] Executing operation: local_certificate for Blizzard Local Cert
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:26.0727] Executing operation:update_helper_service
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:42.0029] Executing operation: add_remove_programs_key (s2) rootPath="StarCraft II"
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:42.0029] Executing operation: program_associationsexecutablePath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Support\SC2Switcher.exe" executableIconPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Support\SC2Switcher.exe" executableIconIndex=0 gameRegistryKey="StarCraft II" applicationDisplayName="StarCraft II" applicationDescription="StarCraft II is the ultimate competitive real-time strategy game, and the sequel to the hit original, StarCraft. The game includes three completely distinct and balanced races, the protoss, terran, and zerg, as well as a campaign mode that showcases an epic sci-fi story."
Extension 0: extension=".sc2replay" extensionIconPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Support\SC2Switcher.exe" extensionIconIndex=3 programId="Blizzard.SC2Replay"
Extension 1: extension=".sc2save" extensionIconPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Support\SC2Switcher.exe" extensionIconIndex=1 programId="Blizzard.SC2Save"
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:42.0030] Executing operation: program_associationsexecutablePath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Support\SC2Editor.exe" executableIconPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Support\SC2Editor.exe" executableIconIndex=0 gameRegistryKey="StarCraft II Editor" applicationDisplayName="StarCraft II Editor" applicationDescription="The StarCraft II Editor is a full-featured development tool that allows users to create maps, games, and gameplay modifications using the StarCraft II engine. Content created with the editor can be freely played and distributed to other players through the Arcade within StarCraft II."
Extension 0: extension=".sc2map" extensionIconPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Support\SC2Switcher.exe" extensionIconIndex=2 programId="Blizzard.SC2Map"
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:42.0030] Executing operation: local_certificate for Blizzard Local Cert
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:42.0483] Request GET /update/s2 
Response 200 (0.3530 ms): {
  "active_config_key": "8453c2f1c98b955334c7284215429c36",
  "background_download_available": false,
  "background_download_complete": false,
  "branch": "",
  "build_config_kv_pairs": {
    "build-fixed-hash": "be86048d1dce8650e1655d2fe2b665a8",
    "build-name": "B93333",
    "build-product": "SC2",
    "build-replay-hash": "be64e420b329bd2a7d10eebc0039d6e5",
    "build-t1-manifest-version": "2",
    "build-uid": "s2"
  "current_version": 93333,
  "download_complete": false,
  "download_current": [
  "download_rate": 0,
  "download_remaining": 0,
  "download_total": [
  "error": 2112,
  "error_details": {
    "message": "Failure executing additional install commands"
  "error_message": "Failure executing additional install commands",
  "estimated_time_in_sec": 0,
  "extended_status": {
    "current": 0,
    "rate": 0.0,
    "remaining": 0,
    "state": 500,
    "total": 0,
    "unit_type": "bytes"
  "ignore_disc": false,
  "installed": true,
  "local_version": "",
  "needs_rebase": false,
  "patch_application_complete": false,
  "paused": false,
  "playable": false,
  "playable_progress": 0.0,
  "product_family": "s2",
  "progress": 0.0,
  "region": "eu",
  "regional_version_info": {
    "cn": {
      "config_key": "fa0376ad8f5ee1dbcf69bbba40eef80c",
      "display_version": "",
      "playable": false
    "eu": {
      "config_key": "8453c2f1c98b955334c7284215429c36",
      "display_version": "",
      "playable": false,
      "selected": true
    "kr": {
      "config_key": "8453c2f1c98b955334c7284215429c36",
      "display_version": "",
      "playable": false
    "tw": {
      "config_key": "8453c2f1c98b955334c7284215429c36",
      "display_version": "",
      "playable": false
    "us": {
      "config_key": "8453c2f1c98b955334c7284215429c36",
      "display_version": "",
      "playable": false
  "state": 1200,
  "update_bytes_current": [
  "update_bytes_total": [
  "using_media": false,
  "write_rate": 0
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:46.0625] Request POST /update {
  "priority": {
    "insert_at_head": true,
    "value": 699
  "uid": "s2"
Response 200 (0.1720 ms): {
  "response_uri": "/update/s2",
  "result_uri": "/game/s2"
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:47.0225] Request GET /update/s2 
Response 200 (0.1960 ms): {
  "active_config_key": "8453c2f1c98b955334c7284215429c36",
  "background_download_available": false,
  "background_download_complete": false,
  "branch": "",
  "current_version": 93333,
  "download_complete": false,
  "download_rate": 0,
  "download_remaining": 0,
  "estimated_time_in_sec": 0,
  "extended_status": {
    "current": 0,
    "rate": 0.0,
    "remaining": 0,
    "state": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unit_type": "bytes"
  "ignore_disc": false,
  "installed": true,
  "local_version": "",
  "needs_rebase": false,
  "patch_application_complete": false,
  "paused": false,
  "playable": false,
  "playable_progress": 0.0,
  "product_family": "s2",
  "progress": 0.0,
  "region": "eu",
  "regional_version_info": {
    "cn": {
      "config_key": "fa0376ad8f5ee1dbcf69bbba40eef80c",
      "display_version": "",
      "playable": false
    "eu": {
      "config_key": "8453c2f1c98b955334c7284215429c36",
      "display_version": "",
      "playable": false,
      "selected": true
    "kr": {
      "config_key": "8453c2f1c98b955334c7284215429c36",
      "display_version": "",
      "playable": false
    "tw": {
      "config_key": "8453c2f1c98b955334c7284215429c36",
      "display_version": "",
      "playable": false
    "us": {
      "config_key": "8453c2f1c98b955334c7284215429c36",
      "display_version": "",
      "playable": false
  "state": 1000,
  "using_media": false,
  "write_rate": 0
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:47.0947] Executing operation: create_folder folderPath="C:/Program Files (x86)/StarCraft II/SC2Data/"
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:48.0231] Request GET /update/s2 
Response 200 (0.3070 ms): {
  "active_config_key": "8453c2f1c98b955334c7284215429c36",
  "background_download_available": false,
  "background_download_complete": false,
  "branch": "",
  "build_config_kv_pairs": {
    "build-fixed-hash": "be86048d1dce8650e1655d2fe2b665a8",
    "build-name": "B93333",
    "build-product": "SC2",
    "build-replay-hash": "be64e420b329bd2a7d10eebc0039d6e5",
    "build-t1-manifest-version": "2",
    "build-uid": "s2"
  "current_version": 93333,
  "download_complete": false,
  "download_rate": 0,
  "download_remaining": 0,
  "estimated_time_in_sec": 0,
  "extended_status": {
    "current": 0,
    "rate": 0.0,
    "remaining": 0,
    "state": 500,
    "total": 0,
    "unit_type": "bytes"
  "ignore_disc": false,
  "installed": true,
  "local_version": "",
  "needs_rebase": false,
  "patch_application_complete": false,
  "paused": false,
  "playable": false,
  "playable_progress": 0.0,
  "product_family": "s2",
  "progress": 0.0,
  "region": "eu",
  "regional_version_info": {
    "cn": {
      "config_key": "fa0376ad8f5ee1dbcf69bbba40eef80c",
      "display_version": "",
      "playable": false
    "eu": {
      "config_key": "8453c2f1c98b955334c7284215429c36",
      "display_version": "",
      "playable": false,
      "selected": true
    "kr": {
      "config_key": "8453c2f1c98b955334c7284215429c36",
      "display_version": "",
      "playable": false
    "tw": {
      "config_key": "8453c2f1c98b955334c7284215429c36",
      "display_version": "",
      "playable": false
    "us": {
      "config_key": "8453c2f1c98b955334c7284215429c36",
      "display_version": "",
      "playable": false
  "state": 1003,
  "using_media": false,
  "write_rate": 0
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:49.0295] Executing operation: add_remove_programs_key (s2) rootPath="StarCraft II"
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:49.0295] Executing operation: program_associationsexecutablePath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Support\SC2Switcher.exe" executableIconPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Support\SC2Switcher.exe" executableIconIndex=0 gameRegistryKey="StarCraft II" applicationDisplayName="StarCraft II" applicationDescription="StarCraft II is the ultimate competitive real-time strategy game, and the sequel to the hit original, StarCraft. The game includes three completely distinct and balanced races, the protoss, terran, and zerg, as well as a campaign mode that showcases an epic sci-fi story."
Extension 0: extension=".sc2replay" extensionIconPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Support\SC2Switcher.exe" extensionIconIndex=3 programId="Blizzard.SC2Replay"
Extension 1: extension=".sc2save" extensionIconPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Support\SC2Switcher.exe" extensionIconIndex=1 programId="Blizzard.SC2Save"
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:49.0297] Executing operation: program_associationsexecutablePath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Support\SC2Editor.exe" executableIconPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Support\SC2Editor.exe" executableIconIndex=0 gameRegistryKey="StarCraft II Editor" applicationDisplayName="StarCraft II Editor" applicationDescription="The StarCraft II Editor is a full-featured development tool that allows users to create maps, games, and gameplay modifications using the StarCraft II engine. Content created with the editor can be freely played and distributed to other players through the Arcade within StarCraft II."
Extension 0: extension=".sc2map" extensionIconPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Support\SC2Switcher.exe" extensionIconIndex=2 programId="Blizzard.SC2Map"
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:49.0298] Executing operation: local_certificate for Blizzard Local Cert
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:49.0735] Request GET /update/s2 
Response 200 (0.3450 ms): {
  "active_config_key": "8453c2f1c98b955334c7284215429c36",
  "background_download_available": false,
  "background_download_complete": false,
  "branch": "",
  "build_config_kv_pairs": {
    "build-fixed-hash": "be86048d1dce8650e1655d2fe2b665a8",
    "build-name": "B93333",
    "build-product": "SC2",
    "build-replay-hash": "be64e420b329bd2a7d10eebc0039d6e5",
    "build-t1-manifest-version": "2",
    "build-uid": "s2"
  "current_version": 93333,
  "download_complete": false,
  "download_current": [
  "download_rate": 0,
  "download_remaining": 0,
  "download_total": [
  "error": 2112,
  "error_details": {
    "message": "Failure executing additional install commands"
  "error_message": "Failure executing additional install commands",
  "estimated_time_in_sec": 0,
  "extended_status": {
    "current": 0,
    "rate": 0.0,
    "remaining": 0,
    "state": 500,
    "total": 0,
    "unit_type": "bytes"
  "ignore_disc": false,
  "installed": true,
  "local_version": "",
  "needs_rebase": false,
  "patch_application_complete": false,
  "paused": false,
  "playable": false,
  "playable_progress": 0.0,
  "product_family": "s2",
  "progress": 0.0,
  "region": "eu",
  "regional_version_info": {
    "cn": {
      "config_key": "fa0376ad8f5ee1dbcf69bbba40eef80c",
      "display_version": "",
      "playable": false
    "eu": {
      "config_key": "8453c2f1c98b955334c7284215429c36",
      "display_version": "",
      "playable": false,
      "selected": true
    "kr": {
      "config_key": "8453c2f1c98b955334c7284215429c36",
      "display_version": "",
      "playable": false
    "tw": {
      "config_key": "8453c2f1c98b955334c7284215429c36",
      "display_version": "",
      "playable": false
    "us": {
      "config_key": "8453c2f1c98b955334c7284215429c36",
      "display_version": "",
      "playable": false
  "state": 1200,
  "update_bytes_current": [
  "update_bytes_total": [
  "using_media": false,
  "write_rate": 0

On another log:

[I 2025-01-16 10:45:25.0388] Start Update of agent w/ tags (Volatile Windows US?)
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:25.0660] Starting update of 'agent' at 'C:/ProgramData/'
[W 2025-01-16 10:45:25.0693] Spent 0 seconds initializing tactBuildUpdateAsync for agent
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:26.0674] Running folder merge between 'C:/ProgramData/' and 'C:/ProgramData/'
[E 2025-01-16 10:45:26.0768] Failure executing additional install commands
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:40.0899] Start Update of s2 w/ tags (Windows code EU? acct-BRA? geoip-FR? enUS speech?:Windows code EU? acct-BRA? geoip-FR? enUS text?)
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:41.0490] Starting update of 's2' at 'C:/Program Files (x86)/StarCraft II'
[W 2025-01-16 10:45:42.0026] Spent 0 seconds initializing tactBuildUpdateAsync for s2
[E 2025-01-16 10:45:42.0050] Failure executing additional install commands
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:47.0947] Start Update of s2 w/ tags (Windows code EU? acct-BRA? geoip-FR? enUS speech?:Windows code EU? acct-BRA? geoip-FR? enUS text?)
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:48.0637] Starting update of 's2' at 'C:/Program Files (x86)/StarCraft II'
[W 2025-01-16 10:45:49.0291] Spent 0 seconds initializing tactBuildUpdateAsync for s2
[E 2025-01-16 10:45:49.0329] Failure executing additional install commands

Another log:

[W 2025-01-16 10:45:26.0709] Failed to verify Certificate chain policy: 2148204809
[W 2025-01-16 10:45:26.0726] Failed to verify Certificate chain policy: 2148204809
[W 2025-01-16 10:45:42.0032] Failed to verify Certificate chain policy: 2148204809
[W 2025-01-16 10:45:42.0050] Failed to verify Certificate chain policy: 2148204809
[W 2025-01-16 10:45:49.0301] Failed to verify Certificate chain policy: 2148204809
[W 2025-01-16 10:45:49.0329] Failed to verify Certificate chain policy: 2148204809

Another log:

[W 2025-01-16 10:45:22.0424] Validation Failure downloading " level3.blizzard (removed)/tpr/configs/data/2f/943366ec2a13cd67f?nocache=3499336376" - Expected: 2f, Actual: 00000000000000000000000000000000
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:22.0424] Changing Request for handle 01370F70 to zzard (removed)/tpr/configs/data/2f/7de49cc9943366ec2a13cd67f?nocache=3499336376
[W 2025-01-16 10:45:22.0000] Validation Failure downloading " izzard (removed)/tpr/configs/data/2f/49cc9943366ec2a13cd67f?nocache=3499336376" - Expected: 2fd67f, Actual: 00000000000000000000000000000000
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:22.0000] Changing Request for handle 01370F70 to blizzard (removed)/tpr/configs/data/2f/17de49cc9943366ec2a13cd67f?nocache=3499336376
[W 2025-01-16 10:45:23.0098] Validation Failure downloading " lizzard (removed)/tpr/configs/data/cc9943366ec2a13cd67f?nocache=3499336376" - Expected: 2c9943366ec2a13cd67f, Actual: 00000000000000000000000000000000
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:23.0098] Changing Request for handle 01370F70 to  blizzard (removed)/tpr/configs/data/2f/17de49cc9943366ec2a13cd67f?nocache=3499336376
[W 2025-01-16 10:45:23.0152] Validation Failure downloading "  (removed)/tpr/configs/data/216817de49cc9943366ec2a13cd67f?nocache=3499336376" - Expected: 2366ec2a13cd67f, Actual: 00000000000000000000000000000000
[I 2025-01-16 10:45:23.0152] Changing Request for handle 01370F70 to  level3.blizzard (removed)/tpr/configs/date49cc9943366ec2a13cd67f?nocache=3499336376
[W 2025-01-16 10:45:36.0677] Attempts exhausted (10 total) for handle 09C533F0

Note: I had to alter the text of the logs (removing links and changing some hash numbers) for the forum to allow me to post.

As per GPT analysis:

You will see many lines like:

W 2025-01-16 10:45:22.0424] Validation Failure downloading "..."
Expected: <some hash>
Actual: 00000000000000000000000000000000
[W 2025-01-16 10:45:23.0733] Attempts exhausted (10 total)

This typically means the Agent is making repeated attempts to download TPR (patch) data from multiple CDNs (…) but keeps getting files that are either zero bytes or do not match the expected MD5/SHA hash. Essentially, the patcher’s “file verification” step sees that what it receives does not match what Blizzard expects, so it marks it as a “Validation Failure” and tries other mirrors. Eventually, it exhausts all 10 attempts.

Common reasons for this:

  • Something is intercepting or corrupting downloads (a proxy, network filter, ISP-level caching, etc.), so the patcher never gets the correct file.
  • Local security software (antivirus, firewall, endpoint protection) intercepting or altering traffic.
  • Certificate chain issues (see next section). If the Agent doesn’t trust the content (or can’t validate SSL properly), it may effectively see the download as “invalid.”

When you see “Actual: 00000000000000000000000000000000,” it often indicates that the downloaded content was empty or got blocked/modified so the hash is just all zeroes.

Several times, the log shows:

[W 2025-01-16 10:45:26.0709] Failed to verify Certificate chain policy: 2148204809

The decimal 2148204809 is 0x800B0109 (in hex). That typically maps to CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDROOT or a very similar error meaning the certificate is not trusted, or the chain is incomplete, or Windows does not have a required root certificate in its store.

In simpler terms, the agent says: “I tried to verify the SSL certificate from the server, but it wasn’t trusted in my local system’s certificate store.” If the Agent can’t establish trust, it refuses to accept the data. Combined with the repeated “Validation Failure” messages, it’s often a sign that something is breaking the TLS handshake or the CA chain.

Possible reasons:

  • The root CA (Certificate Authority) that Blizzard uses is missing on the local OS.
  • A self-signed certificate or a firewall/antivirus “SSL scanning” certificate is intercepting traffic and is not recognized/trusted by Windows.
  • Windows certificate store is out of date or corrupted.
  • The system has group policies restricting certain certificate authorities, etc.

Because the error appears multiple times, it’s quite likely the root cause behind a lot of these “Validation Failure” downloads.


Ok, but how do we fix this now?

Excellent work. To add to this, i viewed the CA cert’s installed, and Windows is reporting them as “This certificate has expired or is not yet valid.”

Brand new W11 install & install. I have ownership of all game install files and they have full read/write permissions.

Having the same issue with under Arch/lutris, which is a separate install.

1 Like

This information was helpful. I was also having this problem.

When I checked the local certificate on my machine, I found the start time was about 2hrs ahead of my local system time. I changed my system time to 2hrs ahead, and the problem went away.

Brand new PC running Windows 11 just purchased today.


try this fix folks Bypass blzbntagt00000854 on linux

1 Like

Me and all my friends get the same error when trying to update Overwatch.

Worth trying to redownload the latest client and reinstalling game content… it appears blizzard just released new patches. :smiley:

I gave it a shot and indeed it worked for me. In my case, I was unable to install SC2 through Heroic - the error appeared around 15% of game installation when it is supposed to become playable. With the latest update this went past that milestone! Fingers crossed… :wink:


I had this break last week for Bnet ran via steam, fixed it once by flipping proton versions around, broke again. But the official proton beta branch has a fix.

Steam users:
Go to Steam Library → click the drop down on the top left. Make sure “Tools” is checked.

Right-click Proton Experimental → Properties → Betas.

Set Beta Participation to ‘bleeding-edge’.

Let Proton Experimental download the forward branch. Go to your Bnet non-steam launcher. Make sure you have it set to run under Experimental, launch and update games. done. It runs.

It is a Beta branch, so you might like to remember to switch back to opt-out of the beta branch after Experimental is updated with the changes in bleeding-edge, for all I know (nothing) that takes at most a few weeks to a month.

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This worked. [GE-Proton9-23]

proton 8 seems to be working. 9 got the error.

“whatalegend”: name checks out. TY.