Can't update WoW - BLZBNTAGT00000840

When I click the update button in the launcher it says “initializing” for a few seconds and then gives me the error code BLZBNTAGT00000840 and tells me that there was an issue with a file. Not sure what I can do to fix this.

im having same issue and its frustrating as this has never happened before :confused: why am i paying for this game when i cant play it?

Having the same problem. I followed all of the troubleshooting steps in the article, including the last step of uninstalling the game completely. Now I can’t reinstall the game. Sent a ticket to support.

Tech boards to the rescue. The answer is found under the thread " Cant update WoW"

Hey all! Thank you for reporting this. As Galdox1337 mentioned, the solution to this issue is to end the “wowvoiceproxy.exe” service in Task Manager (Details tab). If ending this process does not allow you to update as normal, please start a new forum thread.

I’m having similar problems the code ends with 96A. Another time the code ended with a different number brought me to this feed. My task manager doesn’t have a voice proxy…Please help…

I started downloading wow and got about 32gb in, went to finish the install today , then it needed to update ,ive done 2 reinstalls ,turned the firewall off, and I still can’'t download,
This is so frustating I haven’t played wow for 5 years, bought a new computer and gear, please help me fix this, thanks

Now when I click on update it says “Whoops! Looks like something broke. Give it another shot.” with code: 00000BB8. I’ve done everything that is suggested to do and more than once and it’s still not working. Please help…

None of the rest of your error codes are the same as the original poster. Please create your own threads if you’d like help.

For those having the BLZBNTAGT00000840 error in wow, check caterpepi’s/Galdox1337’ posts above.