Cant trade item if its the same slot as legendary

Hello there. I’ve done a few runs where I get gear I dont need at the end of a mythic, but a poor soul lower ilvl than me needs it. Alas, I cannot trade away since the legendary does not registrate as a item with ilvl when it comes to upgrade / downgrade ilvl wise. I see alot of people complaining about this at end of dungeons and it means we are vendoring / de’ing items that could have gone to someone else in need. How about a fix? Example, I’m running with lets say 291 legendary gloves on my priest. A pair of 278 gloves drops and a I dont need it, but the lock in the group with a 259 epic gloves do. I cannot trade it cause the game have not registrated my legendary as “Equipped ilvl 291” but rather the piece of gear I had way before I got my legendary is registrated. I think ALOT of players would welcome this change.