Can't login to app

Was playing WoW this morning when all of a sudden I lost connection to both the game and app. Went to log back in a few hours later and I keep getting error code: BLZBNTBGS80000011. Even reinstalled the app.


Same thing here. It looks like there’s a few people that are having the same problem. Hopefully Blizz will put out a statement soon about it.

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Same for me aswell. I am trying to log in and im stuck on a loop that says connecting with nothing happening. It has been this way for like 10 hours and i cant play any games. I have tried every solution that there is and still no progress HELP

i am stuck in the app looping as well, cant get into any games without my authenticator

Same. Haven´t been able to log in for 3 days. 3 days, come on blizz, wake the f up

Hey, to all involved, there is a bit of. Temporary solution until this gets fixed. In the login terminal, switch your region to EU, then do the same once logged in. You will be on high ping but your account isn’t broken entirely

Heard anything new ?

I’m having the same problem. Oddly enough when I logged into these forums, the “approve” push notification came through, but I cannot login to the game.

BLZBNTBGS80000011 error 4 days until now i cant online and im F Tank of Guild we planing for 7/7 HC ragi this week and im stuck cant online im do try anything even change my loptop windows still cant online what most do to fix this one???HELP

Same issue, error BLZBNTBGS80000011 (1) whenever I try to log in on European servers spesifically. If I change the region to Americas or Asia everything works as normal.

Same if I try to open any game in the launcher, if the region is set to EU it fails to connect, but as soon as I change the region it connects with no issues. The servers themselves don’t seem to be down or anything and I’ve done all the usual forum-suggested troubleshooting steps with no effect.

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so u tell me im most change my region? Why

It’s just an observation, not a real fix. Obviously the issue is on Blizzard’s end and they need to fix it somehow.

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so mean i cant play wow until biliz slove prbalemo so what most i do im change my isp but still that offline error get even cant log in in game wow

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