Can't install

I have tried everything I could find and I cannot get to install. I tried submitting a support request and the two options they gave me were: 1. Try installing under a different ISP (because that’s a normal and totally doable request, though I understand the desire to test it) or 2. Create a thread in the tech support forum.

Neat. Just to sum up my issues:

  1. After getting a continual issue where would not update any games (the games appeared like the update client just kept resetting), I did a full uninstall. I cleaned out my registry, program data, app data, etc.
  2. would not install after downloading a new installer and I received agent exception code BLZBNTAGT000008FC. I did the the steps to reset the WMI repository and I was finally able to install once, but couldn’t log in.
  3. After fixing my login issues (which I won’t detail here, but it was issues with another Blizzard app - the authenticator). I finally log in and I can update games that were already installed on my system, but I kept getting an error when attempting to download games that weren’t already installed. After attempting different fixes for an hour, I decided to redo step 1. I started from the beginning again, fully removing all folders and installs and utilizing ccleaner to be sure I was getting all registry fixes.
  4. Regardless of all of this, I am no longer able to install at all even after reproducing the same steps and I continue to get the attached error no matter what I do.

I’ve spent a lot of time going through other threads in the Blizzard forums and Reddit and nothing has helped. Most people just point to the WMI fix which, as specified, does nothing.

Any help would be appreciated. All of this worked fine earlier in 2024, but I guess a new year means all my Blizzard stuff stops working which is a totally normal thing to happen. I bought Vessel of Hatred and have yet to even launch it!

UPDATE: I tried using my phone as a hotspot to test a different ISP and it still returns the same error. I also tried creating a new admin account which I found specified on another thread and that also did not help.

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Customer support can only point to prewritten troubleshooting steps or answer questions about your account these days. Connection and Windows troubleshooting — which was offered as a courtesy service in the past — isn’t available anymore.

The issue you’re running into (can’t install software) is with your system/Windows, not Bnet itself. You likely have or had security or anticheat software that is controlling permissions in Windows. Unfortunately, your best resource for troubleshooting that type of problem is either with the antivirus software company or in the Windows forums.

I have the same problem I keep getting BLZBNTBTS0000005C error that the agent are asleep, and it won’t let me download the

If the Agent is going into sleep mode it’s because something else on the computer is forcing it to stop running in the background.

I’m in the same boat PrimalBacon. Everything you said has been a copy and paste of what happened to me, except it started with my Call of duty update. Hope to see a new solution here soon.

These forums are supported by volunteers/fellow players; the tech support forum staff has been gone for almost a year. However, there are a lot of proposed solutions throughout the Bnet forums. Most of them are related to Windows services problems, like the big post someone added to this forum 8 hours ago pertaining to the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)).

Sorry, you’re wrong. I have a brand new, straight ouf of the box M4 Mac Mini here getting the same error.
This is the first thing I’ve tried to install. I’ve reset the Mac twice and gotten the error each time.
I have a Windows PC on the same network that can install Bnet and WoW with no issues.
I don’t have any AV on the Mac and the firewall is disabled.
This is an issue with the app.

No, you’re applying what I said to players using a different operating system than the one we’re discussing in this thread.

This forum is for Bnet on PC — not Mac, that’s a different forum — so I am commenting on issues that players using Windows are running into. My comment has nothing to do with Mac users.