Sure do love the fact that in this year of 2025 where all transactions are instant, we somehow can’t gift a Canadian player a simple thing like a $10USD gift card.
Go to bring up my shop, select battletag, says “Your friend can’t receive balance in this currency.” It’s US to Canada…really blizzard. You want to nickel and dime your players for cosmetics and other crap left and right, but hey, here’s a way to make money that just involves sending a balance…and you all can’t do it? 2025…really?..
I went to Ireland in 2008 and somehow magically my debit card instantly worked at an ATM there, but i guess that tech is beyond Blizzard?
Yeah, it’s pretty frustrating that in 2025, with instant transactions being the norm, Blizzard still can’t handle a simple $10 USD gift card for a Canadian player. Cross-border payment restrictions feel outdated, especially when they have no issue charging for in-game cosmetics. It’s odd how banking systems worldwide can manage instant currency exchanges, yet Blizzard’s system struggles with a basic gift balance transfer. Maybe they should take some notes—or just fix it already.
They can, and cross country purchases used to be possible. They disabled it and currency locked it because the told selling/RMT/botting crime rings were exploiting the currency exchange differences to get cheap wow time for their throw away accounts.
This is why we can’t have nice things
I think the only way you can gift your friend is to give them gold in-game. Legit clean gold you earned only. Then they can buy a Bnet token on the AH and claim it as Battlenet Balance. Do not use a level one to do it or anything sus!
This doesn’t work for DI. Wanted to gift them a straight money gift so they could buy whatever they wanted from the shop.
There is no “gold” or anything in game to transfer. The only way is to gift.
Going to be honest, this limitation made you dodge a bullet because you can’t combine gift card balance with any other payment method, they might as well be the old Microsoft points on the Xbox 360. They also don’t properly display prices when you have gift balance and will leave out the tax and tell you that you don’t have enough balance to pay for something and support expects you to do the math yourself then add the exact balance. Also gift balance takes 24 hours to clear. is the absolute worst online store that has ever existed and both the staff and turbofans will defend it as anti-fraud measures when no competitors have such restrictions, even when they use a website that hasn’t been updated since 2003 like when you pay for FFXIV time with Crysta.
In short, paypal them the $10.
No, none of the is correct. I just tested it by going through the clicks to buy TWW which i dont own. The final screen before actually submiting the transaction shows the game price, the tax and the total. From there you make the gift that exact amount. At least know what youre talking about before slamming it. It’s not a good look.
Well yeah, welcome to how banks work. That’s not bnets fault.
The presence or lack thereof is irrelevant. Even “every” competitor that gives the funds immediately still has measures to take purchases away if they are found to be fraudulent. It doesn’t matter if it’s done earlier or later in the process.
No, like ive demonstrated, youre confusing staff and turbofans with rational, logical, realistic people who know how the world works.
Really, you need to think your anti-blizzard rhetoric through before blathering it out. Again, its not a good look.