Cannot download Hearthstone unfortunately. I’ve been wanting to play this game for a while, but since one of the updates, it will not update my files. I am getting error BLZBNTBNA00000006 (11), and I have so far tried the following: winmgmt stuff per your forums, reinstall of game, reinstall of, disabling firewall/active scanning/router protections, reinstalling ALL files related to, turned off all startup apps, ran DxDiag but no issues found, updated all firmware, reinstalled C++ packages. Please let me know if I can do anything else. Thanks!
Hello, try this (registry key too):
h t t p s://
I reviewed this and tried deleting all files related to Blizzard and, and deleted the registries and… issue persists, kindof. I now am getting error code BLZBNTAGT000008FC, which is not much better. This code comes up immediately when launching the installer tool, without clicking any buttons in the tool itself. I am also at a buddy’s house, so the wireless network here should be completely flushed and different from my home setup. Please let me know if any more possible solutions come up!!!
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