Can't buy Warcraft 1 & 2 Remastered in Brazil

that suggests that it is just delayed. in my country it is available. i live in norway. my guess is that it have to do with language. that they need more time to release it in countries with another language than english. my country only gets the english version.

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The problem is, i can’t even buy it in the US blizz shop. I don’t mind playing it in english, i always buy it like that anyway.

But it seems it’s REGION locked (as in IP). That makes no sense.

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it is common for companies to region lock games based on release date. some regions have later release dates than others.

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Which is dumb, honestly. They should disclose on the direct then, available right now FOR US COSTUMERS, other regions on a later date TBA.

At least in my opinion.


you do have a point.

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Thanks for that, hopefully it doesn’t take months.


since it is already available in portugese, it should not take that long to add brazilian portugese.

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eles conseguiram estragar o aniversario de 30 anos da franquia, mas bora galera 40 anos é lua kkkkkkkk


I already had the original Warcraft 1, 2 and 3 (and Reforged), so I believe I’m eligible for the Remastered versions of 1 and 2, which are showing on my client, but there’s no Play button or anything, just a message saying “Looking for Warcraft: Orcs & Humans?” and “Looking for Warcraft II: Edition?” which takes me to the old versions inside the client.

I thought maybe the Battlechest was a different thing altogether so I went to the shop to buy it and got hit with the “Hmm…looks like there’s nothing here.” error. Very confusing and disappointing.


I created a ticket and the response was that there is no answer, and all that remains is to wait for any information on the forum and/or on X. It is absurd that even customer support has no information about what is happening. Especially considering that there are Brazilians who are able to purchase the game using a VPN and have verified that the game is already available in Brazilian Portuguese.


Hopefully this will be fixed soon.
Warcraft 1 was my first blizzard game ever played when I was a child
I’m willing to buy the game for the second time, fix it blizzard


If the game is already available in PT-BR they are just screwing with us. I bet it will take a long time to release it here if that’s the case. I feel like we are not a priority.


It’s just insane to me that the same Blizzard that release Warcraft 2 and Starcraft 1 dubbed in Portuguese in Brazil, dubbed and oppened servers for wow in 2011 and offers many options for Brazil just straight up SHAFTED the BR community.


What i don’t understand is WHY?

I looked around reddit and other media and it seems only Brazil have this problema. The fact that there is no official announcement about this is so absurd.


a worldwide announcement, the information on the live stream that the games were available and simply an entire community, an entire country, was and continues to be completely ignored.


I am so frustrated with this. Been trying to buy the games since the announcement, can’t. They don’t even have a price in BRL. The fact that there is no official information is so absurd. At this point I don’t expect to be able to buy the games in at least a few weeks.

Vamos ver onde os jogos vão aparecer primeiro, na loja oficial da ou nos torrents da vida. Onde aparecer primeiro, eu pego.


Also, I have even considered using a VPN and paying the price in USD. But even when using a VPN, as soon as I login it switches back to Brazil and the page disappears, so I would have to create a new account just to buy the games. That is a bit too much for me.


Com certeza, eu normalmente não utilizo esses recursos, mas se eles não arrumarem logo isso, também vou pegar o jogo na biblioteca do Paulo Coelho.


Feriado 15/11 no Brasil e ninguém da central de marketing/comercial investigou porque tem meia dúzia de vendas pingando por aqui?

Patética atitude anti-venda esse region lock


Nem me fale, queria estar aproveitando o feriado jogando né, ia casar bem.

O que mais de deixa de cara é eles nem falarem nada sobre o problema, isso me deixa possesso.