Cannot Connect to Blizzard App

I know the username, password, and authentication code given are all correct, but every time I try to connect to the Blizzard App, it will not connect. The connection gets stuck at “Attempting to reconnect”.

I am now being redirected to BLZBNTBGS80000011 - Blizzard Support

I have followed every protocol.

After uninstalling the Blizzard App, and reinstalling it, I am stuck at connecting after selecting “Continue offline”

The Blizzard App is still showing the same issues, and not I cannot connect at all.

I am looking for immediate cooperation.

Thank you!


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Main Thread] Blizzard App & Games Disconnecting and going Offline - Receiving Error BLZBNTBGS000003F8, BLZBNTBGS80000011 & BLZ51901016