Cannot connect to battlenet

I somehow got ip banned from diablo 2 battlenet. I’m not doing anything against the terms. I’ve read the list up and down. I finally got my self unbanned yesterday by changing my public IP (NOT using a vpn). I turned my router off for several hours until I get issued a new public IP by my ISP Verizon. Then I play for a couple of hours am very careful to not join games fast or do anything to get banned. I woke up this morning banned again… How can I resolve this issue? Please help me.

A few additional details:
I don’t share my network with anyone. I’m playing from my personal home network and I live alone. I have never installed any programs at all related to diablo. Nothing could be modifying my game client or sending any sort of network traffic to battlenet except for me playing the game normally. Could this ban be related to my account? I have 2 characters on the account both level 18. I can throw out my account and create a new one if that helps.

How can it possibly be this difficult to play an old game I enjoy? Is there something that can be done here?


It looks like your connection is flagged as a business connection. If you look up your IP in a who is lookup you’ll note that lookup organizations flag it as business. I’d recommend calling up your ISP and double checking that they have your residence flagged correctly. It’s possible they accidentally are leasing you the wrong IPs, haven’t updated the flagging of the IP you have, or someone used to run a business out of your house or something of that nature.

For others who have this error please check this article.

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Thank you so much for responding. I’ll look into getting that fixed, I just purchased a new home very recently so that would make sense.

Perfect, let us know how things go!

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: May 2020 - Diablo II Server Issues/CD Key in Use/Failure to Connect