Cannot connect to

I get this error code when trying to install Warzone for the first time: BLZBNTBTS00000028.

None of the troubleshooting steps have helped.

Same man Same. It has been since 4 days, and I have been unable to connect, not even once I got connected

Hey, pneo1972! This error is usually caused by third party applications or connection issues. Could you try the following steps?

If the problem persists, does the installation go through when using an alternative connection or VPN? With the game being so large, I wouldn’t recommend to install it on these connections, but it could help us narrow down what’s causing the issue.

Dude I’ve tried EVERY SINGLE METHOD that your mods, and the website has provided. But nothing WORKS, NOTHING AT ALL. It has been a week since the app logged me out and ever since then I’ve been unable to login. PLEASE HELP76

same here - it wont connect to servers for past few days. i tried each method as well.

same here tried everything thats been suggested and then some. nothing is working

Hey there all,

We don’t have any mass reports of this, and none of you are on the same ISP so we can’t identify any useful ISP level issues. Please follow Caterpepi’s advice. If you still have problems and are not the Original Poster you need to start your own thread or contact support. We will not help multiple users in one thread like this as it makes the threads confusing for people trying to solve their problems.