Canadian Office

I am just wondering why after all these years you haven’t opened a Canadian office.

We have loads of talent here that could help bring new life into your projects, yet I never ever see any openings for our talent? I hope that changes in the years to come.

That is not something Blizzard really discusses publicly on the forums. Business decisions are made based on what the executives and board think is best for the company. Many countries have fantastic talented individuals who Blizzard does hire. Before the pandemic Blizzard assisted in visa acquisition and the move to a Blizzard work location.

Now that work from home has been the standard for a year we will have to see how much that impacts various company’s recruiting, hiring, and work policies.

I did once ask the former CEO of Blizzard, Mike Morhaime about an East Coast U.S. office for the same reasons. He was happy to talk about the esports expansions and tournaments that would present a bigger Blizzard footprint, but not about infrastructure changes to their campus work locations.

Note: MVPs are other players, not Blizzard staff. MVPs do not speak for Blizzard in any way.

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Well maybe it’s time they should. Look i don’t expect that they spend millions opening an office, but maybe open the jobs on the board to people that can do it in other places in the world. If you want to make Blizzard the best it can be, then stop limiting where the work comes from. Start looking at other places in the world where people are waiting to have a chance to work for a company like blizzard.

Blizzard does recruit Globally. Work locations vary by position. People anywhere are welcome to apply if they are qualified. Qualified candidates who are selected are given assistance with visas and moving.

Note: MVPs are other players, not Blizzard staff. MVPs do not speak for Blizzard in any way.

Or at least open a retail shop in canada for the swag so we don’t have to pay the ridiculous charges accrued at the border when shipping. I never bought anything because a 25$ item would escalated to 150.00 with brokerage fees paid to the delivery guy in cash only. (it is extortion because if you refuse or return the item or just can’t pay then you are billed by customs with a penalty charge and never get your stuff) They literally need to just open a shipping warehouse in Winnipeg or Vancouver or somewhere near a courier hub.