Can connect to EU but not to US and wow servers

I cannot connect to the US version of website and cannot connect to US servers in game. I can open the EU website and play on EU servers just fine on my EU account. This problem occurred in the same day I played wow on, yesterday. Yesterday morning I was playing WoW fine. I didnt even close the pc or the net. The pc have been open the whole day. I decided to open wow again to do dailies later on to find out I can not connect to the US wow servers and US website anymore for no reason. I’ve already tried the generic responses you guys gave to everyone else like flushing DNS, restarting pc and modem. I can login to US website when I use a VPN too. Whats going on here? You guys deleted my ticket too so I cant even reopen and give an update on it saying the generic solutions didnt work. I cant make another ticket either it is giving me an error saying “You can’t submit this ticket.
An error has occurred. This may be a temporary error, so please try again later.” Whats going on?

If a VPN corrects the connection issue then you have already identified the core problem: the ISP route to Blizzard. The VPN will swap your route, so you’re not running into whatever is blocking the connection on the ISP network. Good luck with your ISP.

Thank you. My obs stream chat was not connecting either. After streaming for a couple of hours just recently like 20 minutes ago It somehow started connecting mid stream. And us connection also started to work again too. I dont know how ISP network issues could happen like this out of nowhere and get fixed the same way too. Have a nice day.

Very common these days when networks need to repair nodes in a nearby neighborhood.