Can’t play online?

I just purchased original Diablo. I did start new character, multiplayer, choose and I am stuck on the account creation screen. All the boxes I cannot read are either grey or red with no words. Any help appreciated.

Says”welcome to if this character has no password you must create an account by pressing the “new account” button. While creating the new account you may rename your character” but all the buttons are faded out

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Hey Bucs55Brooks,

Diablo 1 hasn’t been updated in decades so it has a lot of compatibility issues on modern systems.

However, over the years, the community has made their own patches to help. One you may want to try is #4 on this list.


Great that actually worked thank you!

But now I’m getting “your internet connection is either very poor or is not processing upd packets through port 6112. You will be able to chat but will not be able to play games. Contact your isp or your system administrator for assistance with opening this port” ugh any suggestions for this one? Lol

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That’s a port forwarding issue. See this article here:

Jump down to near the bottom where it talks about opening router ports 6112 through 6119.


Awesome I’m in now thanks!

The two joinable games “host latency too high to join” :joy: oh well just glad I’m in! Love the nostalgia

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