Call of duty warzone, Cant get a game for 3 days now

Cannot get into a game for 3 days now. was working just fine. I noticed my ping is 200 it starts at 43 then rises to 200. I don’t no if this is normal or not. I dont have a problem with other games so any feedback would be great ty.

Blizzard does not develop Call of Duty, so you’ll need to reach out to Activision. Bnet is only the marketplace to download the game.

I have the exact same problem ! cannot find anything !
Installed COD from Steam and it is working… but not from… So this is not an issue with Activision at all but with

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I have the same issue, but I installed from the Xbox App and it works just fine so, definitely not an Activision issue.

Exactly ! other place to download COD is working !
So, this is pretty simple to understand that what the other one previously said is wrong… the game is repackaged to work with their… so, this is not like a simple “marketplace” to download the game ! they must adapt it, which is probably what is not working now for some unknown reason ! not sure why they cannot simply admit it and look at the problem seriously…

I finally found something !!! not sure if all the steps must be done, but it worked for me at the end !

From this old reddit -

  • Close
  • Move COD folder to c:\cod
    From here, you can try if it fixes the problem or not… it didn’t on my side

So, I try those other steps from same reddit

  • Close your
  • Press Windows Button + R Type in %Appdata%
  • Open the folder and delete the folder
  • Do the Same with directories inside %programdata% and %localappdata%
  • Restart and login again.

Then it worked… which is clearly not something related to Activision but to their unstable App

The OP is talking about matches, not downloading the game. You’re talking about something completely different.