Call of Duty MW not giving XP and gun XP

As of today, about 8pm est. I’ve been using double xp tokens and don’t seem to be getting any XP or gun XP on PC. What’s going on?


I’ve got the same problem. Seems to be ever since the daily challenges restarted.

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I also got the same problem. I get the exp but the level won’t going up

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Same here! And my friends also got the same issue.

There’s another issue. My cp points became to 0 this morning with no reason.

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Same issue here. No level or gun xp at the end of matches.

I’m having the same problem

I’m getting 0 XP. Was trying to max out before my battle pass ends and I guess that isnt going to be possible now. They should extend it.

hace 6 horas que no recibo experiencia… que pasa…no he pasado al nivel 96 ya debiese estar en nivel 100 y no suman nada

I had the same problem tonight and last night.