[BUG] Professions API

There are two problems with new professions API:

  • MAJOR (priority)

Recipe API endpoint (example: recipeId:40587)

The problem is that when you request recipe by ID, a huge problem have to be in place. It makes the whole endpoint obsolete. In crafted_item quantity field is missing. What does it mean? Well, when you craft this item in-game via COOKING skill, one crafting queue gives you x5, x7 or x10 (depends on rank) items.

You might wanna check it by WoWHead.

And it’s not about «just one» item or profession. It’s about all professions/recipes.

  "id": 40587,
  "name": "Mech-Dowel's \"Big Mech\"",
  "description": "Prepare Mech-Dowel's \"Big Mech\".",
  "media": { Object },
  "crafted_item": {
    "key": {
      "href": "https://us.api.blizzard.com/data/wow/item/168310?namespace=static-8.3.0_32861-us"
    "name": "Mech-Dowel's \"Big Mech\"",
    "id": 168310
  "reagents": [ Array ],
  "rank": 1

Probable solution:
Add to crafted_item missing value, like:

  "crafted_item": {
    "key": {
      "href": "https://us.api.blizzard.com/data/wow/item/168310?namespace=static-8.3.0_32861-us"
    "name": "Mech-Dowel's \"Big Mech\"",
    "id": 168310,
    "quantity": 5

or just add the same outside the crafted_item embed object.

  • Minor

Couple items (I have seen it personally) in (Draenor Alchemy and Inscription) items have broken description field. Like:

'|CFF00F0FFWhen making this elixir, you have a chance to learn additional recipes.\r\n' +
 '\r\n' +
'The number of recipes you can learn is limited by your skill in Alchemy.|R',

Yea, I know what does |CFF00F0FF, \r and other symbols means. But according to other item’s description this shouldn’t be like that. But, I guess broken description of couple items isn’t a big problem here. Especially been compared to the problem above.

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