BLZBNTBNA000000A8D (1118) or BLZBNTBGS80000011 (2) - Could not log in to

hello, from Lithuania, cannot get online on app, please help

I’m from Germany and I can’t login since the 23rd. Error code 1002

from belgium
everything related to battlenet is offline i cant log nowhere exept here everything tells me i have internet problems witch is BS because i am logged into discord watching youtube doing all sorts of things exept even trying to log from internet into my blizz account wont let me , i cant even contact support because everything related to blizzard or battlenet is offline for me witch is odd because my cousin is playing right now so WTF

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From belguim same problem cant connect battle or wow.
i buyed vpn and it works perfect there is some issues going on here.
i had to buy vpn cant go any website from blizz .

from belguim same me

Same here, cannot play anything for a couple of days now

Same problem from yesterday’s evening.
Can’t you really even acknowledge the problem and say you’re working on it?

Hey gang :wave:

Apologies for not replying on this sooner… we have been in communication with regional ISPs about these connection issues, and believe things should be improving now. Please retest and, if you’re still gettting issues, refresh your network hardware and PC networking info:

Power Cycling Your Network Devices

IP Release, Renew, and Flush DNS

If you are still being impacted by this issue after trying the above listed instructions please reply to this post that the problem is still happening.


25/9 Problems with login in to Battlenet account, other Blizzard pages fail loading also. Haven’t found an announcement for this anywhere. Except some unofficial pages. Is this Blizzard’s problem? Will get fixed?

Same problem in Western NY. Can’t connect to the forums or desktop app. Had to go 4g on my phone just so I could visit the forums. And now that I’m here, I just got a text from blizzard that my account has been locked. This is ridiculous…

Flushed my DNS as posted above, still not working.

Same problem in Maryland. BLZBNTBGS80000011 (2). Been a couple hours now and haven’t seen any posts or updates from Blizzard.

Same problem in northwestern Ontario tried all solutions can’t access anything blizzard from home network only LTE roll back whatever you did guys.

Same issue cannot connect to any Blizzard services through my desktop, phone, or the website. Only able to connect using a VPN. In Alabama.

I used all of these. Still does not work.

My code is a bit different, but I can’t log in as well. I was playing the game and all of a sudden I got disconnected and now I can’t log in. My error code is:
BLZBNTBGS80000011 (2). I tried to connect from a few different computers. I also live in Europe.

I’m having the same problem here in the Philippines. Even site is down/ unreachable. Good thing i have vpn. No access to America’s server but other servers work (EU and Asia). I tried the said solution and even deleted my %appdata% and %temp%, nothing worked.

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Same thing here in Brazil. Got the same BLZBNTBGS80000011 error, did everything suggested in the error page and no changes so far. And nothing said by Blizzard yet.

Same for me.
Wroclaw, Poland - ISP being

Same problem. Milwaukee, Wi.
Posted on a bunch of other threads. No response.

this is some bulls*it blizzard. no for 2 days now!