With how many issues players keep running into just trying to connect let alone play the games we pay for, its no wonder so many users have jumped ship.
I’ve scrolled through all the forum posts I could find, attempted to fill out tickets/contact support, done all the trouble shooting basics I could think of, and I’m still unable to “go online” in the desktop launcher or connect to any games. Is there a fix for this?
Is this just the “new normal” with this client? I’m getting really frustrated with the constant issues and complete lack of support lately. It seems like everything just keeps getting worse - really makes me wonder if it’s worth all the money I’ve thrown into games I cant play.
Same issue here. Unable to connect to the BN launcher and manually trying to log in to WoW results in a BLZ51901016 error. I’ve not had any issue with internet connectivity at all, only trying to connect to WoW. On the off chance, I’ve rebooted all my hardware (PC, Modem, Router, and Switch). I’ve scanned and repaired the WoW installed files and as suggested, even though I’m not sure why it would have anything to do with game connectivity, renamed my WTF folder. No resolutions so far. I had no issue logging in earlier today. Was hoping to get on and level a little before bed and the pre-patch events hit tomorrow. Any help would be appreciated.
Edit: Finally was able to get connected. Unsure if it was coincidence or not, but everything seemed to have resolved after opening up command prompt and running an ipconfig release and renew as well as ipconfig flushdns.
ive had the same problemwith blzbntbgs8000011 . been like this since sunday night. i tried everything and im starting to think its on blizz end.
Disculpa, tuviste alguna respuesta por parte de soporte Técnico, te dieron solución a tu problema?
(estoy en la misma situación, tube que desinstalar las apps y ahora no puedo reinstalarlas…)
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I am getting the Same issue, I cannot connect to battlenet. Trying to log into WOW results in the same error as well.
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same, but looks like big update for cod, so maybe that
I’ve tried everything, still getting the same error. Been unable to log in at all. I understand that there is now the usual Tuesday maintenance but that shouldn’t have been the case last night and battle net shouldn’t be affected.
Strangely, I can log into battle net on the EU, however I am still unable to log into warcraft
I’ve gone through all the troubleshooting suggestions from the forums and the response i got for my help ticket - the issue definitely isn’t on my end, or there wouldnt be this many people encountering the same problem! This is just insane to me.
We’ve been seeing some issues described here, and been gathering some information on another thread with the BLZBNTBGS000003F8 error.
Both of these situations sound fairly similar with the offline issue and errors. Let’s gather a bit more information to compare. If you could please provide the following:
- Region:
- ISP:
WinMTR test while the issue occurs for 5 to 10 minutes to
if you are set to the Americas region or eu.actual.battle.net
if you are using the European region on the Blizzard Application.
- Looking Glass Test ( Americas | Europe )
We have seen reports from many different regions and internet providers, but we are suspecting common issues that we need more information to compare. Thank you for your reports and any information that you are comfortable with providing, everyone.
I am experiencing the same issues logging on. I can not log in to battlenet and receive the following error BLZBNTBGS80000011. I have the looking glass logs as well if needed.
I’ve been replying to a ticket I have open with all of this information (WinMTR, Lookinglass, MSInfo and DXDiag) since I’d rather send information on my system and IP directly to tech support than posted on an open forum, but I can tell you if many people are encountering this - it’s not my internet connection as Rinadar and Epinexet keep suggesting.
I typically play on the north american servers, should be US west, but I can’t even connect to battle.net desktop app or mobile companion let alone any actual wow servers.
When do we start talking refunds for subscription time and expansion events while games are inaccessible?
Same issue here for me.
-Region: Americas (I can log in to EU just fine)
-ISP: Verizon
Can’t post results of the WinMTR or traceroutes here as it said posting links is not allowed? Feel free to PM me and I can provide that to you directly @CaterPepi
Let’s not forget you did have a maintenance this morning. So what broke?
FYI It seems at least for me the issue is my ISP (Verizon Fios).
I connected just fine with my phone’s hotspot internet connection so the issue unfortunately seems to be on my ISP end.
Also for others having this issue for me it was a dns issue. I was not able to ping us dot actual dot battle dot net, the requests were timing out. Switching the dns server for my LAN Adapter to use google dns ( and alternate resolved the issue for me! Here is the link to steps I followed:
search the web for:
Good luck!
Have the same issue when connecting to the America servers. I switched the region to Europe and was able to log into the battle.net application.
Once pasting the URLs, use the “Preformatted text” markdown on it. That’s the </> symbol in the toolbar.
Example: www.google.com
it took multiple power cycles of my modem and router, running an ipconfig release and renew as well as ipconfig flushdns, a solid 48+ hours of restarting my computer, checking for/downloading any an all updates that were available for all hardware and software, hot spot and ethernet connection tests- but i was finally able to log in, though admittedly I dont trust it will last long.
Only advice i can offer to anyone else with log in issues is to try every single troubleshooting technique in the book to try and address and correct the issue on your own, the support ticket was unfortunately less than helpful.
Same issues here. Tried all of the troubleshooting directions. Irritating at the least.
I am the same, cannot connect at all to COD MW, clicking on the icon on the main Blizzard page and nothing happening, crap this like