BLZBNTAGT00001389 installing Diablo I

New install of Diablo I in the current client v2.36.0.15021.

  • This error has been seen and posted on the forums before, never found an explanation.
  • Retried using all the various suggestions, no effect.
  • Tried “Run as Adminstrator” for client, no effect.
  • Same relevant log entries each attempt.

The short, relevant part of the is below (covering from when I select Diablo I on my screen to start Install, to when the installer fails with the error BLZBNTAGT00001389). Logging prior to this is client startup info, and logging after this is just installer state teardown info.

I cannot find an explanation of what this error means in the context of where it is occurring and what it is trying to do, which would of course lead to the precise way to prevent it. The “things to try” list is way too broad given the exception thrown should easily convey the precise reason it fails to continue (folder permission, connectivity/firewall inaccessible, disk space, etc). Obviously, the code knows the precise context and reason for “can’t download”.

As it stands, I bought Diablo I and cannot use it.

Relevant log section:

D 2024-10-24 18:04:35.469982 [GameController] {Main} Selecting game family by id: D1
D 2024-10-24 18:04:35.470011 [GameController] {Main} Active family set to: D1
D 2024-10-24 18:04:35.471192 [GameController] {Main} Active product set to: D1_retail
I 2024-10-24 18:04:35.485122 [ScreenController] {Main} Changing screen to: Games
D 2024-10-24 18:04:35.537633 [BrowserClientHandler] {Main} Recording load sequence for browser content_browser (Webview)
D 2024-10-24 18:04:35.826903 [BrowserClientHandler] {Main} End recording load sequence for browser content_browser (Webview); result=200; hop_count=1; time_elapsed=286msec
I 2024-10-24 18:04:37.254519 [GameSessionList] {Agent} Reporting process: TrackingInfo(, type=game, opStatus=On, reqId=0, running=6, oldRunning=0)
I 2024-10-24 18:04:37.256384 [InstallManager] {Main} Setting Process Running: true binaryType=game any=true
D 2024-10-24 18:04:37.256446 [InstallInfo] {Main} Operation status changed: opType=Execute oldStatus=Off newStatus=On
I 2024-10-24 18:04:39.769251 [GameController] {Main} Install: uniqueId=D1_retail regionCode=GLOBAL productId=D1
I 2024-10-24 18:04:39.769274 [InstallFlow] {Main} Beginning ready check to begin installation. uid=d1 productCode=D1_retail region=GLOBAL locale=
I 2024-10-24 18:04:39.769353 [ScreenController] {Main} Changing screen to: Games
I 2024-10-24 18:04:39.769422 [GameController] {Main} Selecting game by uid. uid=d1 prioritizeUpdate=1
I 2024-10-24 18:04:39.769443 [GameController] {Main} Prioritize Update: uid=d1
I 2024-10-24 18:04:39.769563 [InstallFlow] {Main} Install region is 'GLOBAL', substituting the login region 'US'
I 2024-10-24 18:04:39.769611 [InstallFlow] {Main} Starting InstallFlow. uid=d1 region=US
D 2024-10-24 18:04:39.769649 [InstallInfo] {Main} InstallInfo agent association has been changed: uid=d1 agentUid=d1
D 2024-10-24 18:04:39.771212 [InstallInfo] {Main} Operation status changed: opType=Install oldStatus=Off newStatus=Pending agentUid=d1
D 2024-10-24 18:04:39.771217 [Agent] {Agent} GameResource created for uid: d1
I 2024-10-24 18:04:39.771238 [Main] {Agent} Adding ObserverRecord: GameUpdateIntervalMS
I 2024-10-24 18:04:39.771253 [Main] {Agent} Adding ObserverRecord: GameMessageIntervalMS
D 2024-10-24 18:04:39.772931 [ProductState] {Main} InstallState (d1): currentOperationStatus=Pending localVersion=
D 2024-10-24 18:04:39.940130 [InstallManager] {Main} Game finished versioning d1
D 2024-10-24 18:04:39.995512 [InstallStartPageView] {Main} installPath change event C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo\
E 2024-10-24 18:04:39.996639 [InstallPackage] {Main} Failed to parse JSON for install packages: err=Missing 'install_packages'
I 2024-10-24 18:04:40.001617 [Agent] {Agent} game_dir change: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo\" size: 30
I 2024-10-24 18:04:40.300735 [GameSessionList] {Agent} Reporting process: TrackingInfo(, type=game, opStatus=On, reqId=0, running=8, oldRunning=6)
I 2024-10-24 18:04:40.307992 [InstallManager] {Main} Setting Process Running: true binaryType=game any=true
I 2024-10-24 18:04:51.695845 [Frontend] {Main} Attempting to show main window. isMinimizedOnStartup=false shouldMainWindowShowMinimizedAtAutoStartup=false varAutoStarted=false hasBattlePlatformProductCode=false needToMinimize=false hasActiveXboxConnection=false varLaunchedByXbox=false isExpectingLogin=false wasMainWindowInTray=false
D 2024-10-24 18:04:51.707678 [InstallInfo] {Main} Operation status changed: opType=Install oldStatus=Pending newStatus=On agentUid=d1
D 2024-10-24 18:04:51.708757 [ProductState] {Main} InstallState (d1): currentOperationStatus=Waiting
I 2024-10-24 18:04:51.721071 [GameController] {Main} Selecting game by uid. uid=d1 prioritizeUpdate=0
D 2024-10-24 18:04:51.735626 [ProductState] {Main} InstallState (d1): installed=1 installPath=C:/Program Files (x86)/Diablo selectedRegion=us activeConfigKey=00000000000000000000000000000000 regionalVersions=(eu: {playable:false config_key:42fa3810ec6f4c766db7e58613fac824}, kr: {playable:false config_key:42fa3810ec6f4c766db7e58613fac824}, us: {playable:false config_key:42fa3810ec6f4c766db7e58613fac824}) repairSupported=true localVersion= latestVersion=1092
D 2024-10-24 18:04:52.045518 [InstallManager] {Main} Game finished versioning d1
D 2024-10-24 18:04:52.055637 [ProductState] {Main} InstallState (d1): currentOperationStatus=Initializing downloadRemainingExists=1
D 2024-10-24 18:04:52.065038 [InstallManager] {Main} Install started: d1
D 2024-10-24 18:04:52.546079 [ProductState] {Main} InstallState (d1):
D 2024-10-24 18:04:53.045776 [ProductState] {Main} InstallState (d1): currentOperationStatus=Running bytesToDownload=826230215 updatesToApplySize=831976644 downloadRemaining=826230215 progress=0.00470018 playableProgress=0.00470018 thresholds=(1,1,1)
E 2024-10-24 18:05:12.545017 [InstallManager] {Main} Install failed: d1
D 2024-10-24 18:05:12.545410 [InstallInfo] {Main} Failed state changed to true for agentUid=d1
D 2024-10-24 18:05:12.545455 [ProductState] {Main} InstallState (d1): currentOperationStatus=Waiting bytesToDownload=0 updatesToApplySize=0 downloadRate=0 downloadRemaining=0 downloadRemainingExists=0 progress=0 playableProgress=0 estimatedTimeSeconds=0 writeRateBytesPerSecond=0 thresholds=()
D 2024-10-24 18:05:12.545608 [InstallInfo] {Main} Operation status changed: opType=Install oldStatus=On newStatus=Off agentUid=d1
D 2024-10-24 18:05:12.545625 [ProductState] {Main} InstallState (d1): currentOperation=Update currentOperationStatus=New
E 2024-10-24 18:05:12.555274 [InstallManager] {Main} An agent error occurred: d1, code=5001 url=/install/d1
E 2024-10-24 18:05:12.555348 [ErrorManager] {Main} An error occurred: BLZBNTAGT00001389
D 2024-10-24 18:05:12.555359 [Main] {Main} HandleError received by ErrorEventProxy. error=5001

Read through the following thread to find the Support Agent, Kershew’s response in BLUE and some of the other postings.