BLZBNTAGT00000BB8 Cannot update, repair, or play game

I just reinstalled my Windows and have the same problem. I have tried to reinstall blizzard client but now my PC always rebooting at the beginning of installation.

please fix this problem

I have the same problem, code error: BLZBNTAGT00000BB8.
How can i fix this problem?

having the same issue, looking for a fix asap

Im in the same boat as you guys, sounds like its blizzard related but, (BLIZZARD FIX YOUR !@#$)

Yet to delete/reinstall myself sounds like its done nothing for anyone else…

Same Issue. I am running scan and repair right now but from looking at all of your responses… it seems it will fail. this sucks.

Look up how to fix the error code on youtube and click on the video that was posted by FreeRider X. It worked for me.


Thank you so much!! That’s worked for me :smiley:

yeah i have the same problem. nothing il do is working… the game is fing broken boys… im sorry we all have to suffer true this… just give us verdansk back and let Vanguard keep caladera… Lol

Any chance of any help with this Blizzard? The workaround that was working for me is no longer working.

I have reinstalled WoW, I have reinstalled app many, many times. I am running as administrator. I have checked all permissions. I have disabled anti-virus. When I do manage to get on, my game plays fine, in other words, there is nothing wrong with my game installation.

This is happening completely randomly. After following support’s instructions in another older post - COD Warzone: Scan and Repair loop / BLZBNTAGT00000BB8 Errors - #5 by PyR0-11237 - I’ve been able to play with no issues for the last 2 days. But today we’re back where we started again.

What I’ve found is that any workaround might last for 1 or 2 log in attempts, and then stops working.

Just a reminder, this is a paid service, so it would be fantastic to get some assistance here. Currently I’m paying for a game that’s averaging half an hour of my time every time I try to log onto it. The fact that no-one from support has even responded to this post is not exactly making myself or the other ~20 people in this thread alone having the same issue feel like valued customers.

Same issue here BLZBNTAGT00000BB8 error constant loop. I have also tried all of the “Fixes” Blizzard had posted under this topic. Nothing has worked for me either.

I am currently trying this after experiencing the same issues you all are. Does not seem like a new issue with the battle net app and there are recent comments saying it works. I will know if it works in about 20mins.

This worked for me!!!

Yup, the same method I just posted. Works like a charm.

Yes, a few things have worked like a charm for me too, but then 2 days later I’m back to the same issue. I re-installed the game again after writing my third post on this thread, that worked on the day I reinstalled, and yesterday, but today I’m getting the error again. It’s not feasible to reinstall the game every 3 days as it takes hours.

Really getting over this now. And still no response from support.

I have been having the same issues. forever scanning. I have tried every work around and even finally landing on the uninstall and reinstall path but it wont reinstall at all but now my files are gone and bnet still thinks the game needs to be updated. i have uninstalled bnet 4 times in addition to tbc classic and even shadowlands cause it was doing the same thing. I just resubbed and played for 4 days and now i cant play at all and its really frustrating. any other ideas will be greatly appreciated.

Getting the same thing also played last night can not update or repair reinstalled does not work. tried on other regions Asia shows there is an update but just says waiting on another update, for hours or initializing been saying it for couple of hours now.

Yep! i have same problem and even that freerider x youtube video didn’t fix the problem. all i get is BLZBNTAGT00000960 now…

I have the same issue , BLZBNTBNA00000012 error code all i get i can play any other game including vangard just not warzone come on sort this please at least give us a idea whats going on

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