i have the same issue after update Diablo immortal yesterday. now battle net doesn’t want to install after trying to reinstall it. I’m using the latest Ubuntu LTS, luckily I can still play on my phone.
It works! TY man.
For fresh install I added proton 9 in steam, download it, then did this switch-version-trick and it works fine!
Have yet to try but new GE version so hopefully that fixes it - cant post links - GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom/releases/tag/GE-Proton9-23
same thing happened to me. all my Linuxmint PC cant anymore run world of warcraft. I will pause my subscription until i will be able play again.
Exactly same problem here. I’m using Fedora, running Battle.net and WoW with Wine. First time I got this problem was about a week ago. Then I tried to use steam to launch it. It worked at that time. But now, both wine and steam cannot launch and update. I uninstalled the game and Battle.net, and got the same problem like you. Couldn’t even re-install Battle.net.
Well, i assume there has been no fix. yet, that is.
Tried adding it to Steam as non-Steam game and it crashed just as well.
Why does this feel like, as if Linux users were removed from the community?
Sure, I took a break from WoW for the last season, as the last season was just bad. Wanted to look at the patches and bam! Battle.net and WoW refused to work. Neither bottles or Lutris worked here and Steam, ofc, didnt too.
My friend you are not alone. Same thing happens to me. Working second day on this and is getting more and more frustrating. From what i have diagnosed on Linux, installer breaks connection and stops downloading. Its a bit sad, because this is happening to more and more people on Linux and Windows machines. At least what Blizzard could do is say hey people, we see the problem, we hear you and we are trying to fix it.
Same error here Linux (Fedora) Lutris.
Can someone from blizz respond and fix this? Is there a workaround?
I found one root cause: On Linux , the region for downloading updates is set to the default value United States. If your physical region and the region in the Battle.Net does not match, you will get the error 854 (last three digits of the error code).
The region of the Battle.Net app can be changed with the options button in the Battle.Net Login screen.
Only for installing the Battle.Net app, the trick from NightRaven is needed, because there is no button to select the region.
You sir solved my problem. I changed my version to ge-proton and it worked instantly.
Thank you very much!
Battlenet updates from scratch in cli escalated mode.
Go to your wine folder where the Battlenet launcher exe is and do a sudo wine on that exe.
You will also notice that you can run the game too in escalateded mode but thats not ideal.
i would then change the launcher to the wow folder wow.exe and run that in unprivileged mode.
lots of workaround but no strategic fix…? lol whats going on
I found that running Battle Net under Wine Hotfix resolves this issue. Hope this helps
feb 12 2025. still same problem. the hell is happening with blizzard? ik they have only 2 indian dudes working in the WHOLE department of IT but wtf?