would launch, then D4 would show an “UPDATE NEEDED” on the big blue button. Update would start. The just die with this error. “woops looks like something is broke. … BLZBNTAGT00000854”. (from here on out i am just giving the error number and not the entire text box)
So, tried uninstall D4. Reinstalling. No good. Now I couldn’t get D4 reinstalled because it would encounter that error before finishing the deca-gigabyte download of the game. So, I figured maybe desktop was updated in background and has a bug for a file in use. So, I uninstalled Then re-downloaded, and ran the install…and about 20% into the install: BLZBNTAGT00000854 out of no where.
As I sit, No No D4. New season in a few days. Cant even access my end game character to play it out…and this blows massive chunks! This looks similar to stuff that came up in 2023, but here we are in 2025 on a new season and I am gettin this. For this to happen on end game char right before end of season is about as disappointing you can get for a gamer.
Me too. I tried to reinstall battlenet and I can’t right now. Not sure what happened, but WoW classic / classic cata are doing the same to me.
Edit: I’m not having this issue on Mac. Only windows and on linux (running lutris that uses the windows client)
I’m having the same issue with updating WoW, starting today, on my Windows PC.
A few notes - I’m continuing to get error BLZBNTAGT00000841
- I’ve tried the suggested steps in docs (e.g., new admin user, scanning for malware, validating that Blizzard isn’t seen as malware – no change
- I’ve reinstalled – no change
- I’ve reset directory/file permissions on the base folder – no change
- I’ve did a disk scan/repair from the OS – no change
- I’ve tried doing a ‘Scan and Repair’ in, but it doesn’t complete…it keeps resetting it’s scan around 60-ish%. – I’m pursuing this route now, but it’s looped a few times.
Similar problem with Starcraft on Crossover on debian based distros (don’t have any other) started happening at the same time. Game says there is an update and when I click the button it gives out the error BLZBNTAGT00000840.
I tried doing the repair installation procedure but even the repair process gives out exactly the same problem.
I have Battlenet with SC2 installed on 3 different computers (laptop and desktop), all of them are presenting exactly the same problem which means it is definitely a bug caused by Blizzard today.
SAme issue here, in Arch linux…
I can’t even re-install with Lutris right now without an error message that links to nowhere.
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im having the same issue xC, I though was my laptop, I have a MacBook m3, and i got a full erase from mi disk and new installation of Sequioia MacOs and the issue continues :/…
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Same here. Running LMDE and Lutris (flatpak). I kept clicking through the error to continue and each time it would progress a bit farther. 88% and error out, then 91%, then 92%, then 96%. I actually got to 99% and then it just threw the error each time I tried again to click “Update”
I uninstalled and reinstalled Lutris and tried to update again. Same error code. Then Iuninstalled Lutris and the game (WoW for me). Same error. I tried to update from both a paid TWW account, and also from a monthly account, paid, but not updated to TWW. Again, same error. All my varied attempts result in the same error.
And when you click on the link in the error dialog box to learn more about the error, the Blizzard website does not have a page for that error code.
So frustrating!
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For anyone having this issue, if you haven’t uninstalled and are only dealing with the update issue, you might still be able to play the game:
I am on Mint and using flatpak lutris before I chose to uninstall, now I cannot get it to reinstall as others have posted.
That being said, I was able to actually get into the game last night, despite the update not working by going into the prefix folder and launching the .exe from there. For me, it was for retail wow, but I’d imagine that would work for classic and so on. I just needed to sign in manually but other than that, everything worked. Might as well give it a go if you haven’t actually uninstalled anything yet.
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Sadly I’ve already uninstalled B-net before I found this today.
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I’ve been experiencing this same error today as well. Tested on Windows and Linux. Lutris will even through the blzbntag00000854 error code when installing again. But the launcher still runs anyways. WoW, Diablo, and Starcraft II do not run. Has anyone found a solution yet? I’ve taken all the conventional steps, ie. updating my computer, rebooting, purging from my system and trying again, etc.
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Quick update. I tried to do all sorts of things like deleting the game, reinstalling, etc. and nothing worked. So I decided to download LogGoblin.exe to gather the Desktop App Logs (i cannot post the link because the forum doesn’t allow new users to link to posts).
After reading some thousands of lines of logs I think is the cause of the problem which is a certificate problem. Essentially the game is trying to download TPR (patch) data from multiple CDNs (
) but keeps getting files that are either zero bytes or do not match the expected MD5/SHA hash. Essentially, the patcher’s “file verification” step sees that what it receives does not match what Blizzard expects, so it marks it as a “Validation Failure” and tries other mirrors. Eventually, it exhausts all 10 attempts.
Also the error
[W 2025-01-16 10:45:26.0709] Failed to verify Certificate chain policy: 2148204809
The decimal 2148204809
is 0x800B0109 (in hex). That typically maps to CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDROOT
or a very similar error meaning the certificate is not trusted, or the chain is incomplete, or Windows does not have a required root certificate in its store.
(the logs were supposed to be here but I couldn’t post the logs since the forum did not allow).
I decided to share this in case someone has some idea. Opening the links directly required by the updater on a normal browser (can’t post the links because the forum doesn’t allow) works, so I suspect maybe the problem is in the “’s browser” certificates. Will update here if I find a solution.
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Got the [BLZBNTAGT00000854 error] too late night yesterday. On linux it worked tuesday fine, installed it on linux mint, but now it doesn´t work on mint, fedora or ubuntu.
This error comes at around 70-80% at installing the launcher. Did all the workarounds…but nothing works 
A workaround in lutris only (must be 0.5.18 to work - might work on bottles as well, have not had time to test this):
- In lutris on the runner options tab for your BNet install, check what your wine version is and confirm that you can see ge-proton or proton experimental. If you do not see these in your list, confirm you have lutris 0.5.18, and either install proton experimental in steam or add a 9.x version of GE-proton to steam.
- Launch bnet, start the update and wait until you get the 854 error. Exit bnet and open the runner options tab in lutris. Change the wine version as follows: if the error occurred when using a wine (wine-ge8.26 or wine-staging) then change the wine version to proton experimental or ge-proton. If the error occurred when using a proton version, switch to wine-ge8.26. Press save
- Launch bnet (you will need to login and use the authenticator). The update/install of wow retail/classic should now complete. If you try to update or install another WoW product and get the 854 error, repeat step 2 until all updates are complete (yes its a pain - I was able to update retail and classic era in the one go but ymmv).
- Lastly, swap back to the wine version you normally use, noting that wine-staging-9.22 (preferably with the tkg patches) has WoW specific patches, and dxvk 2.5.3 and vkd3d 2.14.1 are both available for download manually or installation through protonup-qt - they may help again, ymmv. ge-proton/proton experimental also seem to run WoW retail pretty well.
Option 2: in steam, add non-steam game and point to Use proton experimental as the compatibility tool and launch. After login, the update should complete and you can then use lutris again (use this method if you have wow game files in your prefix and not on a separate drive/folder outside the prefix)
tried both but still can´t install it. bottle also dont work 
but as far i can read it is known since yesterday.
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Same issue on windows for me
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Same issue on Ubuntu (Lutris & Wine) when I try to download battlenet launcher and WoW. Last week it was working without problem
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Right now I’m unable to install World of Warcraft. I Uninstalled WoW since I can’t update it previously.
Also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the bnet app but issue still persists. I tried installing some of my older games such as Diablo 3 and Heroes of the Storm but I’m also unable to install them.
Is there a way to revert to an older version of Bnet app?
I’m currently using Battle Net app version:
OS: Windows 10 Pro
Build: 10.0.19045 Build 19045
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Same issue, steam deck/lutris/diablo 4
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Well done. Thank you! I was able to get some stuff installed. Can this be bumped up to solution for Lutris folks at least?