BLZBNTAGT00000840 On Windows 11

So frustrating….
Fresh pc build and I get this error - 4 hours later I am just as lost as when I started.

I have reboot
Elevated admin privileges

Happens for COD too - any ideas what is happening?

Same here, just bought a PC for my GF so she can enjoy world of warcraft with me, and when I set up everything and is ready to download wow i get this same error, I get 3-4% in and it pops up. I’ve taken the same actions as you and followed the


And its on Windows 11

Yet nothing is helping.

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Happens to me on my windows, and on Linux mint. Both ware working perfect till yesterday, morning.In the afternoon it started update and i can’t get installer past 11%. When it downloads to 11% or 367 MB downloads stops and i get BLZBNTAGT00000840 error. I removed the game and battlenet client and after reinstall same thing happens. Happens on Linux and on windows machine. Kinda frustrating.
And no answer.

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im also having this issue seems like everyone is having issues right now

Frustrating is an understatement. I did all of the above, and even went so far as to full uninstall/reinstall and update my NVIDIA, and anti-virus software. And still no solution, still BLZBNTAGT000008A4 error.

happening here too, windows 10

Same here, new pc today. I even copied over my wow folder to the new system but will not update or repair so I can launch it.

Steamdeck here and I am getting the same error, after super slow update speed. As soon as it reaches 6% I receive the error. So ridiculous that this has to happen the day of the season.

Any fix for this for steam/deck? Has anyone else encountered this before in the past?

Got the exact same problem. Tried to shut of all VPN/Firewalls. Reinstall, Repair… Nothing seems to work

same here, and nothing about fix?

not yet, zero care from blizz

Hi, I’m a volunteer. I do not work at Blizzard or relay messages to developers.

The forums are all P2P troubleshooting these days, so you won’t see blues following along with issues here anymore.

Most players on Windows were able to solve this issue by correcting their route to the content delivery servers. This process includes changing the DNS their ISP has them stuck on, either in their modem, or on Windows. Beyond that, some also had to use a VPN.

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tried all servers in exitlag but I can’t install the WoW, deleted the in C:\ProgramData\\ , as well the Agent folder still not downloading. I also tried editiong DNS to / in ipv4 and ipv6 .

Is your modem overruling that setting? Most ISPs use their own or a specific one that offers domain name completion/collects info.

Edit: Evidently Scan & Repair fixed the problem for some people, too.

Same here. reinstalled, etc etc. this started in the last 24 hours.

I changed my forced compatibility of Proton to 8-05 and it works now - this is for on steamdeck.

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:partying_face: it looks like the latest client patches blizz just released are working again

this works for me on Ubuntu with proton GE 9.7

What happened to blues? Starcraft 3? :smirk: