Desktop App Not Downloading Any Games

So up until recently, I haven’t had many problems with the blizzard launcher and I definitely haven’t had any that I couldn’t fix myself. But about a week ago, I uninstalled a game and then tried reinstalling it on my hard drive so I could play it on a different computer. I was having some troubles with the install and every time it finished, I would click the button to update the game and then it would suddenly be as if I never installed the game at all. This isn’t really my problem though, because today I opened the launcher and it was the new desktop app or whatever and when I tried to reinstall my game, it could barely even get to 1%. Everything else on my computer is working just fine, including other games, but my download speed has reached a maximum of 2 MB/s and is only 2.14 KB/s at the time I’m writing this. I’ve tried a wired and wireless internet connection and I’ve also closed every other thing on my computer, but nothing works. It’s been about 4 hours and the my 54 Gb download is at 2%. I’m not sure if it’s an issue with the new launcher or anything, but I’m almost positive it’s not a computer or network issue since everything else works perfectly. Sorry for the super long post to anyone who has read this far, but does ANYONE have any possible solution or idea to fix this? Please help!

Hey there!

Are you attempting to install the game on an external drive? If so, the potential “disconnect” between Windows and many external drives could be the source of the issue. External drives oftentimes lack appropriate Windows-level permissions to read/write data. Please note that we do not officially support external drives due to this, and so we can only recommend installing and updating the game on an internal drive.

If you are attempting to install to an internal drive, are there any anti-virus programs installed on the machine? If so, the anti-virus/security program could mistakenly identify the Update Agent as a security threat and prevent an update or installation. More information on troubleshooting security applications here, if curious.

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Hey! Thanks for responding! I am trying to install it on an external drive, but I’ve been able to install it on the same exact drive before, so I’m not sure why it isn’t working this time. I’m hoping to be able to put it on this drive since I’m getting a new computer soon and hoping I won’t have to spend a few days downloading everything again, but one game won’t take much time. Thanks again for responding, I’m glad Blizzard actually has good support!