Blizzard wasting our time with plunderstorm

so for a one month game mode you literally release the same map with the same garbage abilites with ap OP Celestial Barrage that hasn’t be nerfed once since release and its a week into a one month event. So Blizzard is just gonna let plunderstorm get ruined while they continue to make BILLIONS per year, yet doesn’t want to give the basic consumer basic desires. So many times my slicing winds will go through an enemy or a mob and do no damage, I just had my quicking leap slam on the ground and do no damage, heals constantly cancelling for no reason. Blizzard could have done so much more in a one month game mode out of the entire year to satisfy us and simply chose not too. Blizzard could have done a week to week event. It’s not even hard to create a new map because wow is enormous and it shouldn’t really be that hard to find a new location. All blizzard did was add 2 new trash abilities and a op/broken celestial barrage. This really annoys me because I only sub to play plunderstorm. I played last year and my cousin and I were hoping there would be new thing coming to plunderstorm. Guys, lets be honest. It’s a one month game mode, so Blizzard basically had a year to come up with ideas for a one month gamemode and literally some how made it worse and less enjoyable for a person who was genuinely excited to see what changes were coming to plunderstorm

Not sure why this is posted here, since this forum is about the Bnet client. If you have commentary about Plunderstorm, use the forum specifically for that game mode in the WoW forums.