Blizzard STOP banning players for no reason

Banned in Overwatch 2 I never violated terms, I don’t chat to ANYONE all communications are off due to constant teammate harassment, my name is not inappropriate what is going on? I play all Blizzard games and have never been banned on any of them. Heroic support


NGL even EA has better customer service. all i am getting is a auto reply regarding some rules. but i srsly did not get any email nor did i say anything remotely rude?

You dont even get banned for stuff like that from Riot. all you get is at most a 1h-24h vc and chat ban. I dont even know why? like getting banned a whole season?!?!?!?!

Is pls tank stop killing yourself, and when you just have to deal with it when ppl call you slurs and try to do your best, just enjoy the game. Evil??? LIKE whats going on?

I want a refund on the battle pass!

Were prior posts removed? WOW

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I can’t moderate, but can guess what might have happened. They were not related to the same issue as the OP. The removed ones related to the issue with Season 10 bans that they are working on resolving. The link below applies to the removed posts who should be posting over on the OW forums. Mods likely cleaned up to keep issues separate.

The OP has an issue of their own, and should have been handling that through tickets. Hopefully they did that, and it is resolved for them now.