BlikeB - Installation errors

I have exactly same problem, and i already tried these two solutions. The download bar still frozen.



I moved you to a thread of your own, as the issue reported in the previous thread has nothing to do with installation errors - it’s a connection problem. Can you get the full error code that you’re receiving for us when your installation fails, please? It’ll also help to have a full list of everything you’ve tried to troubleshoot so far, so we don’t double up on things you already tried.

Last up, please generate a text copy of your DxDiag using these instructions. Once you have that made, open the file. Copy the code below, then copy/paste everything from that DXDiag file between the rows of tilde (~) marks where it says “DXDiag goes here.”

DXDiag goes here

If the file’s too large to submit, you can upload it to a file hosting site like pastebin and post the link in the code above instead.

Hello BlikeB,

I may be having the same issue as you. Does your install bar get stuck at “Waiting…”?

Hey, NoobMagic! We’ve seen some similar issues being reported and we’ve found this being mostly persistent due to WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation), security/firewall, or PuP (Potentially unwanted programs) . There’s a few steps that may help with this issue.

If you are currently using a VPN for various reasons, we have seen this cause issues with the installation. Please try turning off the VPN if available to test.

If the problem continues, please contact our Technical Support team so that we can look into any other issues that may be causing the installation issues.