Blank Blizzard launcher

Hi, i am having trouble launching Overwatch form the launcher. The game tab for overwatch is completely blank where i can only see the background art and no launch button or any pop ups. I have launched the game from its location but get error message “game server connection failed… retrying.”

Please help.

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I am having this same issue! If i try to open the game from the desktop shortcut, it just opens a new blizz app instance and asks me to login again :expressionless:

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My blizzard launcher just shows a darkened background for each game and there’s some html code on top of it. It looks like the browser component isn’t displaying properly. I tried reinstalling app.

To clarify, I’m having the same issues as the OP. However, I was able to launch Overwatch by running overwatch.exe in the installation folder and logging in the game client. Overwatch Launcher.exe did nothing when I tried to run it.

Ive tried everyone thing everyone has said here…
anyone else know the fix

Same issue here, my Overwatch page just shows up darkened with no way to launch the game. Other games are fine though.
Apparently removing the “cachedData.db” file from your appdata folder fixes it, but it has not done so for me.

where did you see that @z0r?

There was a post in the overwatch forums regarding the same issue. Their “fix” was to remove this file from your %appdata%\\ folder.

However this did not work in my case.

i cant even find that “cachedData.db” file

folder location example:

c:\users\ (user)\appdata\local\\

i currently have it installed to my D drive and ive had a look
this cachedData file i can not find at all, doesnt exist for me

it doesnt matter if it is installed on another drive, this userdata will still be there.

(it is not contained in the bnet installation folder, its purely userdata)

but all i have in there are 2 config files


these are the only files i get

dunno bro. hopefully somebody from bliz comes along with an actual fix

anyone had a fix yet?

Okay, I had someone advise to logout and login to another region (europe or asia if you normally login to americas), then you’ll get the popup about the switch version of the game. Close that, log back out and login again to americas and it should all be peachy. Just worked for me :slight_smile:


catlady thank you so much!!!

I can confirm this also worked for me, although the news feed on all games is still not working. I have also deleted all %appdata%, %temp%, %localappdata% and reinstalled :frowning:

Yeah I’m not going to bother doing that.
I’ll just take it that blizzard don’t want me playing their games until they fix it.