Blank Battlenet [No News / Play Button] [Fixed for me automatically now]


I know another thread of this exact issue has already been posted HERE

I’ve already replied and failed to get an answer back :frowning:

I’ve tried swapping over to other regions (Which WORKS!) But I don’t intend to stay on another region besides Americas. The big blue text said

You should be able to fix this in one of two ways. One, you can log out of the app, then log back into another region (such as Europe), which should allow you to close the ad and fix the problem. The other option is to hover over the top right corner of the blank space on your app. There should be an invisible “X” button there you can click. If that option does not work let us know.

I cannot find the ad to close down, nor can I click an invisible “X” button. The only way this works for me is to stay on a different region, the only Nintendo Ad I get is for a YouTube Video which I can’t close as there isn’t a small “x” in the larger ad boxes…

What do?

Edit 2 :
All games I previously stated with no play buttons are fine, they’re there if I region swap. They disappear because I don’t own them.

Hi there Cake,

From there, the next thing to try would be fully purging the Blizzard app. If this has not been done, I would give it a shot.

Perform Steps 1-5 here after that do not reinstall yet but follow these additional steps:

  1. Open file explorer/file manager
  2. Type the following into the address bar (not the search bar): %APPDATA%
  3. Delete the Bnet and blizzard folders inside the appdata folder if they exist.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 with %LOCALAPPDATA% and %TEMP%
  5. Empty the recycle bin.

After this is done, give the change region fix another try. :slight_smile:


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Attempted Steps 1-5 running through and doing it twice just to make sure,
still no-go when I swap Regions back to Americas, still no news and such.

Thoroughly checked through the Blizzard app for any suggested Nintendo Ads about the Switch Port and failed to find any sadly. [Checked on Europe Region with showing all the news / announcements]

Regardless I appreciate the help nonetheless!

Hey Cake,

If you have any security software, it’s possible that it may be blocking that information. Try adding the Blizzard app as an exception. You may also want to try a DNS flush or test using Google DNS.

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Darn attempted doing both suggested items with still no-go.

The previous thread suggested Telstra could be blocking it for some unknown reason.

I suppose I’ll just wait it out with no news and hopefully it just fixes itself in the days / weeks / months to come hah.

Regarldess, I still appreciate the help! <3

Following up here too - copying my reply from the other thread.