will not properly install on Mac OS 15

Just picked up the new WoW expansion. Went to download the launcher. During the download was met with a host of issues. For clarity:

Downloaded .zip file
Ran application
Setup app runs fine, loads agent and other necessary files onto mac in “” folder
Met with install location page
Installer jumps to 90% and immediately met with error code BLZBNTAGT00000840

“Something went wrong with a file. We’re not sure what caused it, please try again or click the code below for more information. Sorry about that!”

The link then takes me nowhere useful, with generic information entirely unhelpful.

Steps I’ve taken to figure things out that have resulted in nil:

-Deleted all files and redownloaded too many times to count along with several reboots
-Gave full disk access and app permissions to “Agent” and “ Setup”
-Deleted “” folder from shared users and reinstalled

I’ve scoured the internet so far and some folks on reddit have had luck with these aforementioned steps but nothing seems to want to work in my case.

Writing here in sincere hopes that somebody has found a solution and can help as I can’t find where to even submit a ticket to Blizzard. If somebody can point me to where I can submit a ticket, and likewise where I can request a refund if I can’t get things to work I would be super appreciative! Thanks


I’m having the same issue! Hopefully someone will post a solution soon :(.

Same issue here with a M1 MacBook Pro running MacOS 15.2. Been trying all the workarounds I can find with no luck. Hoping Blizzard shows some love to the Mac users and gets this going SOON.

Same. Currently on a M2 MacBook Air and Sequoia 15.2. Contacted support and they sent me this way to the forums. Seems like this is an issue they have no fix for right now and are just giving me the run around

SAME!!! M3 Pro here and same error! Anyone make any progress?

Make sure you’re logged into an iCloud account. I had the same issue, and looking into the installer application logs revealed some issues with installing certificates.

After logging into iCloud, and doing a fresh installation (remove everything related to /Shared and /Application), the installation worked.

Same issue here, 15.2 and can’t install battle net

Same. m4 macbook pro. Mac OS 15.2

Can you send screenshot of this logs. Maybe I’m have same trouble

Having the same exact problem. Submitted a ticket and blizzard just responded with things I had already tried a million times over. Hope they fix it soon :(.

Hi. I found this link

and followed SuprBrown’s instructions for a Mac and it worked for me.

(Change - to / in the URL)

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This worked. Thanks! Blizzard needs to fix this asap still