setup crashes

Every time I try to open the setup it crashes and this is what i get in the errors folder:

remove the brackets

Any help?

Are you using Avast or AVG?

I am using Avast. I did try disabling it to see if it works but to no avail.

Make sure definitions are up to date, and if that doesn’t work, try removing it temporarily. If it fixes the issue, then you’ll want to contact Avast about updating their definitions.

I just tried doing that and it did not fix the issue, I’m afraid.

Have you tried a new admin account on Windows?

How do I do that? Will I lose my files?

No, it’s just a secondary login that you create so you can see if other apps are interfering with the launch of Bnet.

That works! I installed with the administrative account and then could open it from my other one. Is there anything I could to solve this issue in the long run for other potential apps though? Without having to use such an account.

Sometimes an account can become corrupted after Windows updates. You can just use the other account and open your apps from there.