reinstall - Lutris

Pop OS 22.04 LTS, jammy
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
Driver version 550.67
Wine Versions in Runner Options: (choices) GE-Proton (Latest), System (9.0)(default)

Enable DXVK: on, version 2.1

Enable VKD3D: on, version 2.8

Enable D3D extras: on, v2 (default)

Enable DXVK-NVAPI/DLSS: on, version 0.7.0 (default)

Enable dgvoodoo2: off

~/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine$ ls

lutris-ge-7-34-x86_64 wine-ge-8-26-x86_64

wine-ge-7-34-x86_64 wine-ge-lol-8-27-x86_64

Installed using lutris/wine in 2020. Worked more or less fine until Dragonflight release/prepatch time. Then only classic worked. After several months of trying fixes, dragonflight would work, but at the cost of it taking between 5-200 tries to successfully open, many of those attempts, but not all, have me entering my password despite it being “remembered”. I’d also have to delete a specific battlenet version manually before trying each time as it would constantly repopulate. Most do not have the “login” button visible, but simply the spinning logo as it tries to connect. This had been my normal gaming reality since then. On Friday, after about 2 hours of trying to login unsuccessfully, I finally got frustrated enough to uninstall lutris, wine, and everything blizzard and start fresh. However, when I reinstalled lutris, it remembered everything from before, and now I cannot install battlenet at all.

I’ve tried to install from lutris dot net /games/battlenet but it tells me I need a specific runner version (lutris-GE-Proton7-34-x86_64). I opened protonup-qt and installed it in ~/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine/ , but lutris will not detect that version.
I saw suggestions of using steam for it, so I installed that, then tried to find there, but its not present, and I could not manually add it because I can’t install it from the blizzard download either.

Since Linux is not officially supported, your best bet is to take this discussion to Reddit or another Linux forum.

The two tech support forums here for the Bnet client cover Windows and Mac.